Saturday, August 23, 2014

ECP Run 22 Aug 2014 - Refelctions

      The Run today of almost 10km was in one word ; difficult. I had started at the Ski 360 centre at  Beach Food court or the East Coast Seafood Center at roughly 10.40 am, heading East towards Changi I started on a leisurely pace of almost 7 min per km. The weather was hot (33 deg C in the shade) and humid (easily 85% rH), there were no other runners as far as I could see running in my direction, who would be crazy enough to tackle a run, at this time of day, or as they say, Only Mad Dogs and Englishmen. I must be a Mad Dog then. 

     Reaching the halfway mark at the Safra Resort and Country Club, I did not bother to stop and returned back in the sweltering heat. I felt sluggish, and as was my goal, I wanted to lose 5 kg by the end of this year, I pressed on. 

    Finally, reaching the Ski 360 after 1 hour and 10 minutes, I took time off to stop and look at the beach. Finally. it was a perfect day, hot, slightly windy and devoid of the thronging masses of people. I stopped at a park bench, and did some light stretching. In the disatance was a family of 4, the Dad with his 2 kids by the Breakwater and the Mum (more logical and practical one) sitting in the shade at the Park. It was an idyllic scene. The ships in the background, the family just looking at the scene and the wind and the lapping waves.

   For those precious 30 minutes, I felt so at peace, no pressure, no deadlines,nothing.  It was a surreal feeling. 

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