Sunday, August 24, 2014

Excuse Me, are you a Toilet Cleaner ??

     I will reveal a hitherto secret, I am the family's Sunday toilet cleaner. True many people will shake their heads and say this is no big deal, there are millions of families all over the world who do without a maid. I say, agreed, but this is Singapore, the city where there are more rich millionaires and billionaires per capita, and there are easily 30 - 40% of families who are dependent on their maids, and for generations and decades since the early 70s.
I won't want to get into an argument with readers about the merits of not having a maid and all that.

    The fact is that every Sunday, the maid, takes a day off and I have assumed the role of toilet cleaner to clean the 3 toilets. It is something which I have been doing for the last couple of years and I gave it some thought on why I do it.

     I run a small business in Singapore with sales territories into South East Asia.
It has been tough going the last 1 and a half years, but with a lot of determination, effort,focus and cost management, things are looking much better since the middle of this year. I had made a lot of sacrifices both personal and professional and I am determined to make good in an ever changing industry. We added product lines, provided more diverse services, pushed sales efforts everywhere and reached into our mental and emotional reserves to see through a very difficult period. We are not out of the woods yet, but the silver lining or the golden hue on the horizon is beckoning. 

    So, just as in cleaning toilets, as the boss of a company, I need to clean sxxx from time to time, though it is not of my own doing, but the very fact that I am prepared to roll up my sleeves and get down and dirty and not run from the mess, is something inbuilt in me.
I will not give up, I will clean up the mess made by other people, and make sure we can all have clean toilets for our daily business. Many people will not stoop beneath themselves and run away from it, saying it is other people's jobs. Not me. 

   So to the Toilet Cleaners everywhere, I salute your dedicated efforts, many times it is a dirty job, but never will I look down on it, as I know, in my small way, what it takes to be a leader, to clear the crap from the WC or the dirt from the floor. Similarly speaking, for the company, only after the crap and obstacles are cleared, can we make the orders smooth flowing and we can then move on to the big leagues.

  Seize the Day     

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