Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Effectively manage and control your blood sugar - All Natural Ingredients

                                                     Proviva G with Probiotics and Prebiotics 

     The product above is the latest revolutionary product using Pre and Priobiotics to enhance the effectiveness of the already effective natural herbs and vegetables using a breakthrough process of fermentation. Proviva G is already in the market for over 3  years and the results speak for themselves.Fermentg specifice plants known for healing such as bittergourd and horse radish tree, with probiotics strengthened with a prebiotic protective 'case' of oligosaccharides, the natural ingredients of bittergourd,and horse radish tree and quickly absorbed in the bloodstream from the small intestine and the results are quite amazing. 

    Of course, the results will vary from person to person, but a clinical trial conducted several years ago in a hospital setting showed very good control of the HbA1C levels of those who took Proviva G for their blood glucose control. 

     I have been taking this health supplement to control my cholesterol level as the supplement can also control triglycerides and LDL (low density lipoprotein) and so far so good. There was a clinical study done several years ago by a hospital, whereby there were a total of 166 patients with diabetes Type 2 volunteering. 3 groups were formed among the 166 and they were given the following dose :

a) Blue band - patients given metformine (oral diabetes medication) 
b) Red band - patients injected with insulin 
c) Green band - patients taking Proviva G exclusively

After just 1 month, the results of the patients in the Green Band improved to the Ideal range, after taking just 2 capsules of Proviva G a day for 30 days (1 month). Continuing the oral dosage of Proviva G assured them of the good health and results, as can be seen from the chart above. 

Sales can be done online at (for Proviva G) and (for Proviva L) and also through local distributors and stockists in Singapore, Australia and Europe. 

1 comment:

Adele said...

[Quiz] Which "Odd" Veg Reverses Diabetes?

A breakthrough study has shown that this "odd" vegetable reverses diabetes at the source.

It's 475% more powerful than exercise...

552% more effective than any diet...

and 820% more powerful than any medication!

Can you guess which one it is? (Click the link to find out)

A) Horned Melon
B) Kohlrabi
C) Jicama


PS. The $370 billion dollar diabetes industry do not want you to see this video and discover the amazing diabetes-reversing vegetable. Watch it now before it's too late.

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