Sunday, September 17, 2017

FART your way to organized thinking process

I can see clearly now the rain has gone

I will be the first to admit it again, I do not have a very organized mind. Clarity of thought is well developed over the years, but organization of the mind and your thought process is the way forward - for me at least - to doing things systematically. On top of organized thought process, I need to also have a persistence to see through the goals which I have set for myself however small or large they may be. The thought process MUST be organized and many decisions made decisively to ensure that the day passes by successfully. 

So here is the way to organizing, say, paperwork in terms of letters, or emails or information which is coming fast and furious through the smart phone and the internet. Lets keep it simple and just stick with paperwork and email through the snail mail and the mail server respectively.   

Say you receive letters / email everyday, bills, notifications, customer enquiries, appointments or dates fixed,smses, whatsapp chats to buy or do things etc. 

So use the FART Method, as best as you can :

a) F ile (and Review) -  this is an invoice from your vendor, you scan through it, ensuring that the goods and services have been rendered to your satisfaction, and you note that you have some funds coming in before the end of the month. Hence, you make a note (mental or written) to make payment by end of the month.  

You will need to make a discretionary call and decide to file, as well as review it when the invoice (or document) is due. This review and the adherence to the review is all important. 

b) Act - this is an urgent and important email asking you to reply to your boss with a report detailing the last months sales figures which were below expectation and give analysis as to when the key or regular customers will purchase. Decide what steps to take and take them accordingly to boost up the sales through added sales / marketing visits and ramp up promotions.

c) Throw - there is numerous junk mail from flyers of new properties (for example) whereby you don't have the funds or interest to pursue and hence you dump it in the wastebasket electronically or literally.

While this is for paperwork and electronic mail, there are numerous data and information coming into your sensory network (5 senses) which if you had a computer like brain, could process, and decide again to FART  everything and anything.

If I could have good enough sleep, well rested, have a regular exercise plan on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, with a clear vision for my life and say business to achieve some short (6 months) mid term goals (1 year) ; a lot of the day to day decision making will be much simpler provided I have the determination and endurance to see it happen.

I have set aside the beginning of each year with personal and professional goals since 2002. This goal setting has been very beneficial to me in assessing where I am on those fronts. 

Try the goal setting and FART method and see the results.

Be persistent, patient and focussed. 

What is it thinking ? 

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