Sunday, September 3, 2017

So much uncertainty ; N. Korea, Hurricane Harvey, Floods in South Asia yet life ,it goes on

Everyday, the main stream media floods us with well, once in 1000 years hurricane and floods in Houston, Texas, hurricane Pu Dan in Hong Kong which killed dozens in Macau, Shenzhen, rains in Bangladesh ; the bad news is coming fast and furious.

Today N. Korea upped the ante and test detonated a nuclear bomb. Everyone near and far have emotions ranging from panic, incessant fear, mildly concerned to total indifference to the latest test from the Hermit Kingdom.

Learning never ends ; keep up or slip down 

We need some stability in this totally unpredictable world where the incumbent US President has threatened to pull out of the Paris Climate Change Pact, close up the borders by putting up a physical wall with Mexico and all of us are seeing the White House as a mega episode of "the Apprentice".  

Here in Singapore, the economy is growing at an pretty slow pace, growth in sectors is very uneven, people are grappling with the disruptive technologies displacing traditional jobs with artificial intelligence, big data, driverless buses, drones and Fintech to name a few. Workers in their 40s and older face greater risks of being slipping into obsolescence if they do not go for retraining and learning new technological skills, such as studying coding languages and going for financial basic lessons, growth investing and have proper financial planning.    

We are facing headwinds of change and people still seem to be stuck in the '90s.       

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