Sunday, March 25, 2018

June 1991 ; my drive into the Swiss mountain on a train at Simplon Pass

      This is one trip I will never forget, I was 29 years old, a Sales Manager who just finished his sales meeting in Balingen, Germany and then took a drive on his rental Opel Astra 1.4 from Switzerland into Italy via a vehicular train at Simplon tunnel. The early portion of the video shows me stopping by the lakeside at Interlaken District (between the lakes). People drive on the right hand side of the road, and the steering is on the left, so it took some adjustment at the beginning as I was trying to switch gears, I then realised the 'gear' to my left was the window handle ! The gear shift was on the right hand side of the driver and the window handle on the left, a complete lateral inversion of the mind !   It sure took some mental and then muscle memory adjustment before I became quite adept at the whole driving on the RHS and seated on LHS thing ! 

     The mountains you see in this video are the Swiss Alps and the train ride which the car was on took something like 45 minutes. The first portion shows some nice hills and mountains, before we were enveloped into total blackness of the mountain. The engineering genius of the Swiss who have dug tunnels into their mountains all in the name of efficiency of transport and defence. It is not a joke that their mountains are full of holes for vehicles and storage and similar to their Swiss Emmenthal Cheese ! 

    However, I crossed into another country in Europe which for me as a young man  was something of a great adventure !

    This is a VLOG from 27 years ago ; way before VLOGs became popular. I am the first generation Vlogger ! HAHA 

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