Sunday, July 22, 2018

Thankful and Grateful

July 22nd 2018 mid afternoon 

Today I want to give thanks and gratefulness to the Man Upstairs for what I have. Its enough for me and I want to thank Him specifically for my health, at 55 I am considered young-old.
My family especially my wife May, who has stood by me through all the business ups and downs and raising 2 lovely young men. They may not be world beaters in any sense of the word, but they have in them, my father Geoffrey's compassion, good attitude and hopefully a willing heart for May and myself when we get old.

My Mum also imparted upon me the spirit of helping out the less fortunate and I have been doing that the last 10 odd years ; those who know me will understand. In a small way, it has been a meaningful albeit tough journey for me thus far.

The uncertain dynamics of this multi-polar world led by sub par leaders especially the Trump administration in trying to Make America Great again has only led to a rise in anti immigrant and racial intolerance especially in the US. The imposition of the additional taxes to China and the EU and their tit-for-tat retaliation will only make the major manufacturing players move to more trade friendly shores such the South East Asia.

My hope and wish is for more good health so that I can pursue my goals and help give back to society in a meaningful way like my good parents did in their prime of their lives.

Thank You. 

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