Saturday, July 13, 2019

How Happy are Singaporeans ? 2019 Reprint (from my answer in Quora first appeared in 2017)

                                                            Venice, Italy Dec 2017

I can only speak for myself. As a Singaporean, I have had the good fortune and opportunity to travel to numerous countries and experience many different cultures.As a result, several things have become clear to me. 

The pursuit of happiness should not be a goal. Why ? Happiness is a transient state of mind and people with adaptive mindsets (adaptable in thought) and good attitudes to performing work tend to be satisfied with life. However, work should not be the be all and end of of one's life, in my humble opinion.

Hence having a Raison Detre or Purpose in Life where work can be a significant part of it should then be the goal. Many artists, sculptors, poets, actors and performers come to mind.Their body of work is their main reason they are living for. The same goes for the businessperson, the professionals such as lawyers, doctors, dentists, engineers, architects and even software programmers. 

We should never shirk from physically hard or brain challenging work - our body and mind ultimately adapts and gets conditioned and our performance gets better the more we keep on doing it. Like crossword puzzles, sudoku, body conditioning and learning new languages for examples.

In fact, the avoidance of a miserable life is a much better Goal or Purpose. Therefore, taking into account the affordable and good quality housing provided by our Government's HDB which provides for a sizeable,easy to access flat, with 99 years lease and up to 90% financing, Singaporeans should be satisfied.

With regard to access to inexpensive food, again Singapore offers numerous food choices in our many food courts, coffeshops, restaurants and malls. Getting by on USD 10 a day is attainable for any able bodied and healthy individual. The truth of the matter is that many basic entry level jobs start at USD 1500, so after deducting say USD 600 for rental (for those starting out), and USD 250 for transport, there should be easily USD 400 for meals and some left over.

To insist on an entitled life, that is a high paying job, with the perks and travel is to just to be solely looking at the result of a person's motivation, years of education and painstaking  life experiences (failures, bankruptcies, personal challenges and health issues)  and then say 

"Yeah I want that ! I am entitled to that ". 

will ultimately lead to frustration and unhappiness because of unrealistic comparisons. 

Many other countries nearby Singapore seemingly give the impression of a good and happy life but then again, many of these stated below do not provide for the immigrant or visitor :

a) personal safety and freedoms
b) clean air
c) clean water
d) traffic free roads
e) clean and green parks and road connectors (many)
f) affordable and high quality public housing (in relation to basic wage jobs)

I would respectfully say that to live a meaningful life would ultimately lead to a person's long term happiness. Developing meaningful relationships with family, friends, colleagues and doing good for the community are all key to one being happy with his life.

Singapore provides all of the above. We can avoid the miserable life. Its upside from then on. 

Carpe Diem 

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