Sunday, July 7, 2019

My Weakness - Not Focussing Enough on Daily Issues

This comic by Tim Rickard crystallizes 90% of the problems are caused by poor focus. 

My one big weakness, apart from Dark Chocolate that is, is the fact that I tend to gloss over and not pay attention. My attention span is quite weak, and I tend to drift away if the conversation does not interest me or the topic is not in my area of expertise, like telecommunications or the latest current affair news in the region. 

I have decided to make it one of my resolutions to pay attention to the topics at hand and learn 5 things each day ; that way the brain gets its input and 'nutrition' to be stored for future use (I hope). 

Meanwhile, enjoy the comic strip, I do not own the rights to this, and it is a one -off ! 

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