Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Muzio Clementi Sonata in C Major Opus 36 No. 1

One of the first decent classical piano pieces I learned almost 50 years ago !  The memories come flooding back as I listen to this piece which I learned at Grade 5 (I think), and the memories of me and my brother John going to Butterfly Avenue have our (dreaded) piano tuition come flooding back.

I was, at best, a mediocre piano player, as the interest at those  early to tween years was minimal and my practice (supposed to be at least 1 - 2 hours a day) was always distracted by other pursuits and responsibilities (football, friends,tuition, swimming) so the sight of my piano teacher Mrs. Leong rapping my knuckles after one disastrous tune after another still come to mind.

I am trying to make up for the lost time by learning (my goal) some 20 pieces of both classical and popular tunes so that I will not be remembered as a tone deaf talentless person.

Music has charms to sooth and awaken the senses within. 

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