Sunday, November 29, 2020

What do you give a person who has nothing, or everything ?

Happy Carefree Days

This is a rhetorical question which some of us, (well me for one). When we have enough, (by very modest standards), what do we want then or strive for ?  Or what do we give to someone who is struggling financially, with massive worries, with day to day issues, health and relationships for example ? 

Say it is Mr. or Ms X's birthday... What do you get for him  or her ? Lets say he is middle aged, relatively well off and although COVID has hit many countries hard, his job is stable, and he is feeling blessed.

Money ? Alcohol ? a good time? Massive parties with cakes and candles ?

A new ring ? Car ? Latest Hermes Bag ? 

The answer is : Peace of Mind.

Jesus of Nazareth some 2020 years ago told his flock : "Peace I give unto you, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand".

Can you have peace of mind while we are in this world ? Yes you can. And you can help yourself achieve it.  

> Set simple goals for yourself ; once there, just maintain them. 

> Monetary

- Never borrow more than you need to finance your lifestyle or your business.Bankers are never your friends from the word go. You have been warned. Aim to be debt free or have at least debt to equity ratio as low as possible

> Health

- Take care of your health, eat wiselt, and less as we grow older (70%), exercise like there is no tomorrow, and sleep a good 8 hours each night. Cut the alcohol, parties only for festive occasions and cut the excessive binge eating. I am doing it. 

> Family

- Most important to have good relations with your nearest and your dearest.

> Relationships with relatives and friends

- Make time for them ; and they should also make time for you. Drop the losers and whiners.

It takes massive discipline, a lot of letting go of the ego (personal identification), taking criticisms and reflecting on them, to make myself a better person.

> Be Humble

- Listen to advice . As I continue on this path, the more I travel, the less I seem to know. 

> Help Others 

- Obvious. But the act of giving patronage to the less lucky is a must do. 

> Ignore what others think (listen to the 'others' that matter).

> Serve a higher purpose ; Religion or do good. 

I had written many posts before whereby the pursuit of material wellbeing only brings temporary happiness but not satisfaction.The desire for higher status and even high posts in life or career will one day all come to an abrupt end. It will come crashing down with the next health crisis and you realise that you only have 6 months to live.

Satisfaction comes when one has balanced his life well. It takes a lot of effort, but it can be achieved.


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