Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Live High Train Low and High ; Research done on Hypoxic Training by Sports Scientists

The data and research done by Sports Scientists, Professors G. Millet, B.Roels,L.Schmitt,X.Woorens et al from multiple universities such as Institute of Sports Sciences, University of Lausanne, Switzerland etc. is quite comprehensive.

There are typically 4 different types of key studies :

a) Live High Train High

b) Live High Train Low

c) Live High Train Low and High

d) Live Low and Train High

All these studies are as a result of the near miraculous performances of many athletes who participated in the 1960 Mexico City Olympics which was held at an elevation of 2250 m above sea level, with it, the air pressure was lower and the O2 level was also lower. Many sports scientists began to investigate the effects such as the increase in haematological capacity, or the blood bearing capacity of the human body, as well as the erythropoeitic effects - the production of more red blood cells when the body is subject to lower levels of O2. 

The elite athletes all performed and gave fantastic results (Bob Beamon's long jump record was unbeaten for nearly 25 years after the feat he recorded in Mexico City's rarefied air).

 The findings of Millet et al, are shown above, that various combinations of the 4 training strategies DO have a positive effect on the athletes performance when they resumed competition at sea levels. See above graph.

The findings suggest an increase in the level of aerobic capacity optimally 2 - 4 days (green highlights) after return to sea levels, but this is not 100% for all athletes.

From 14th to 28th day after the LHTH trainings, the effects are still apparent as seen from the graph (Orange highlights in graph).

Hence, it justifies the benefits of this type of training strategy. 

QRA's Athletic Environmental Chamber can simulate altitudes with Oxygen levels up to 5000 m (O2 level of 13.5% or lower). Additinally, QRA can provide Sleep Rooms with altitude levels of up to 3500 m and corresponding O2 levels to match.

Hence, the LHTH, LHTL and the other configurations can easily be accomplished at sea levels without the need to move the entire set of athletes, nutritionists, physiotherapists, doctors and scientists to migrate for weeks to higher altitudes in the name of better performances.

We can provide the full suite of environments, in the Environmental Chamber in your building, anywhere in the world. 

Temperature : - 20 C to 50 C

RH                : 20 to 95%

Hypoxic        : Sea Level to 5000 m

CO2             : maintain at 400 ppm 

Solar            : Entire Solar Spectrum.


(Singapore Designed Athletic Chambers, World Class Quality Approved)

48 Toh Guan Road East

#03 - 144 Enterprise Hub

Singapore 608586

Tel : (65) 6795 1486

Website :www.qra.com.sg

Email : qrasales@qra.com.sg


Our friendly professionals will be most happy to be of service to you. 

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