Saturday, April 3, 2021

World's Most Complete Athletic Chamber - provided by QRA International Pte Ltd (Singapore Design)

        View Inside Chamber ;

Rowing Machines x 2, Wind Simulators x 2,Cycle Machine x 1

Presenting the world's dedicated Athletic Environmental Chamber - QRA ; The 20 year old company has been amongst the first in the world to offer this to clients. The specifications of this chamber are generally in the range below :

Temp : 0 to 50 C

rH      : 20 - 95% rH

Wind :  0 - 15 m /s

Hypoxic : sea level to 8000 m  (20.95% to 11.90% O2)

CO2  control : Using Scrubber Technology to reduce CO2 buildup 

Solar spectrum : Yes - for Heatstroke Studies

This chamber is versatile in the sense that it can condition practically any environment available on this earth ; of course there are harsher climates (say -40 C) but human beings or elite athletes in particular are never out in the harsh Artic or Antarctic temperatures doing 10000 m or marathons so there is not a need to simulate the extreme in temperatures.

There have been several customers who are first movers of this unique product worldwide, they are from the Sports, Medical and Defence Industry WORLDWIDE.  

Prices start from as low  as US$ 98 ,000 

Test Conditions vary from place to place ; from the tropics which are hot and humid, to the temperate which is cold and dry, possibly hot and dry, to the desert which is extremely hot and dry the Athletic Chamber can simulate it all. 

If any of you out there has such a requirement, write in or call in to :


48 Toh Guan Road East
#03 - 144
Enterprise Hub
Singapore 608586

Tel :(65) 6795 1486

Website :

Or Email


and our friendly experts will accede to all your enquiries, promptly and with full professional suite of solutions to meet your budget.

Call In or Write In Now ! We are awaiting your interest Sports Professionals and Scientists ! 

There has never been a time to Up your Game ! 

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