Monday, July 26, 2021

My son starts his journey in the working world today 26th July 2021


Monday July 26th 2021 ; 8.10 am 

Today marks a Milestone for us as parents, our first born, Noel, has started his career in the working world.

He starts today as a Procurement Officer in a rather large company based in the Jurong East area.

We pray and hope that he can manage this transition from young man to become what he truly aspires to be.

It is a truly exciting time for him and a proud moment for us as we watch this next stage of his life with pride and happiness.

                            Dec 6th 2003 Hannah (my niece's) Birthday 

My parents (Geoffrey and  Anna) would have loved to see this day, probably they are celebrating his independence in another world and this first step into the brave new world is a joyous occasion for my wife May and me.

Carpe Diem ! 

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