Saturday, July 31, 2021

My thoughts after a 5 KM run this morning.

Let me put my thoughts in a simple writeup in this post. 31st July. I had planned after taking a break from my lifelong hobby of running to start afresh this morning. No expectations, no speed, no push no nothing. I am after all, one year shy of entering the third age - assuming I live (some hope but never achieved by many) till 90.

So this morning, I laced up my Kayanos, and went out the gate for a slow recovery run. I am cognizant that I have clocked thousands of kilometers before this day, and have completed 10 full marathons, 10 half marathons and numerous fun runs.

No expectations, except a satisfying run.

Now, after about 40 minutes, I have finished it, and have had a leisurely read of the mornings Straight Times (yes they are biased), have taken my cold shower and I am penning my thoughts.

I have realised that life is indeed transient, and that whatever we do or accomplish we must have a goal to serve a higher purpose or God. That in itself gives our lives meaning and a sense of worth.

To work so hard to  make money for our own enjoyment is somewhat shallow and selfish.

Hence, it is no wonder all these successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs eventually become philantropists. They want to give back and have an altruistic purpose. Some start very early on - by being generous, giving their time, talents and money to the less fortunate or the ones who have had bad circumstances befall them through no fault of their own.

For the love of money is the root of all evil.

To earn a decent living is what most of us, say 99% of the population aspire to achieve in their lifetime. Those that exceed and become ultrawealthy then question their existence - at some point in their lives.

And hence they give back. 

In their time, in their donations and their expertise.

I believe that as I am at the cusp of the third age, I am preparing myself for this truly challenging and hopefully life defining task.

I seek to define how I want to 'give back', hopefully I can lay it plain and simple in the next post.

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