Friday, July 30, 2021

Singaporeans can be so shallow at times.


I read with disgust, how some Singaporeans have been reacting to our Olympians at the current Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Some of the TikTok and Facebook comments on the performances of Ms. Yu Meng Gu (table-tennis) and Joseph Schooling have made me rather ashamed of my countrymen.

My point is this, when we win the medals in table-tennis, the foreign talents are berated and people call them 'foreign imports' and not Singapore born. The years and years of training, sacrifice, toil, sweat and labour for many hours,days,months and years under disciplined and regimental coaches all come to fruition when the performances are their on display.

Yet,there are sour grapes from some quarters of Singaporeans. These people really need to check where their loyalties lie.

For the Olympic gold medallist Joseph Schooling to bow out, last in his heat and with an abysmal time, well, I can say, good job son, you tried your best but at least you put Singapore on the map once in Rio 2016 with that amazing victory snatching gold just 5 years ago.

He should reflect on what happened all these 4 years. He is a nice well rounded young man.

Heros fade away just as quickly as new ones are made.

To the happy clappers who only want medals and sit in their gaming chairs and sofas, or beds and complain about his poor performance.

Shame on You. 

Get a Life. 

if you were any good, you would be up there representing your swim club or school let alone the National Team.

Go hide under that miserable rock or gaming chair where your alternate world exists and your keyboard is your only connection with the outside world. 

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