Monday, February 7, 2022

Fast Paced Run today 6th Feb at Pandan Reservoir 6.30 pm

Today's run at Pandan Crescent was a very satisfying one for me from a few standpoints.

1. I have been feeling a little 'low' what with the lack of work from the 5 day break for the Chinese New Year.

2. This year is a breakthrough year, and I need to have all the energy, luck and wearwithall to push hard to achieve all the potential my company has shown and will continue to show in the coming weeks, months. It is a truly exciting, yet I need to be brave to take on ventures and manage the risk / opportunity properly. One mistake could ruin the whole decades long struggle for stability and profitability.   

3. Lately I have also felt that the call of age has been beckoning me. I am slowing, in terms of my metabolic rate, my stamina, strength, balance and flexibility are deteriorating - much to my dismay. This is life, as I age, I need to develop further a sense of humor so that I can age 'gracefully'. When I am ready to retire or hand over the reins, I wish that I can still enjoy a certain quality of life such as 

a) enjoying good meals with great company

b) savoring the scenery here and abroad. Nature has given us this Earth and we must stop terrorising it and making it unliveable.

c) Having a good laugh at myself and the world around me. Laughter is the best medicine for life.

d) Having the wits to fully appreciate humor, wisdom, deep intellectual stimuli, cut and thrust debates, sarcasm, irony, and appreciate the nuances of language.

e) Going to new places (my goal - another 30 more countries). I have visited or worked in about 40 countries at the last guess.  

f) Enjoy and savour new experiences. 

Life and the passage of time is zipping by. While I feel the aches and pains of my physical body, my mental and spiritual side remain strong and wanting uplift from time to time.

Giving back to society will be part of my plan for this Year of the Water Tiger.

I will live it with purpose.

Carpe Diem. 

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