Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Wishing One and All a Wonderful Year of the Water Tiger !


Here's wishing one and all, near and far a healthy, happy,prosperous, family strengthening and business uplifting Year of the Water Tiger !!  May all your goals, dreams, plans and hopes for this year of (hopefully) Post Covid come true in every way ! 

My wish for the 2022 Year of the Water Tiger ? Just an ordinary citizen's thoughts. 

1. No major wars between the superpowers, US, China and the Ukraine front de-escalates from its very tense standoff situation now.

2. US and China can somehow cooperate and reduce trade tensions and tariffs between them, so that we can all co-exist peacefully.

3. My son, Andrew to finish his Computer Science Degree in University of Queensland by this calendar year (2022) and come back to Singapore.

4. My business continues to strengthen its presence in the Lab Testing for Medical and Pharmaceutical space.

5. Our health for our family continues to be stable, and God willing, we can resume holiday travel in the second half of 2022.

6. Singaporeans of all ages, creeds and social status continue to strive for a 'One United People' and reduce any thoughts of Xenophobia as we once were a country of immigrants about 150 years ago. There should not be a 'them versus us' but a 'we'. 

6. Do more to help the disenfranchised in our society. I have often repeated it but this year I will do something. 

Xin Nian Kuai Le ! Wan Shi Ru Yi ! Bu Bu Gao Sheng, Sheng Yi Xin Rong !

                                    HUAT AH ! HUAT AH !

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