Monday, February 21, 2022

My 10 Rules of life

Today's 8K run at ECP ; Selfie taken at Car Park at Finish

I am 9 months shy of turning or reaching the big sixth decade of my life. Lessons, I have learnt aplenty.

Takeaways, I have also had the opportunity of savouring what this life can offer, both the good, the bad and the ugly. I believe that to make our lives meaningful, we need purpose and a Raison D'ete to get ourselves out of bed every morning.

The challenge for 2022 for my business is to step up to be an SME of quality and reputation.

Personally, I hope that I can continue to stay focussed on my goals and not be too arrogant when things go my way, and not to lose heart when they don't. Planning, and execution require lots and lots of focus, brainstorming and luck. The more you try, the more lucky you get.

My 10 Rules 

1.   Have an audacious goal 
2.   Strive 110% to achieve it ; make sure it is realistic and doesn't break your piggy        bank.
3.   Learn from mistakes, yours and others.
4.   Don't make promises you cannot keep
5.   What you earn for the month, save at least 20%
6.   Help the less advantaged
7.   Be Humble
8.   Be Gutsy
9.   Get multiple streams of income 
10. Go Live Life. YOLO 


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