Sunday, December 11, 2022

Birthday Musings 2


USA Ribeye at Wooloomooloo Suntec City 

What to expect in 2023 

Times will be lean for trading businesses unless they have a team of service staff. 

Traditional shops will be hard pressed to stay afloat. Online portals seem the best way to make money.

Middle East countries are set to flourish with business opportunities after World Cup.

Happy Dinner 

Hyundai Motor R and D Centre in Singapore will yield huge opportunity for test houses such as mine. 

Research and Development will herald a new dawn for many new jobs.

There will be jobs aplenty for Computer Science and Tech graduates. 

Happy Father with his 2 sons 

I am chasing at least 2 major projects in 2023. With this, it will reinforce our business focus as the premier supplier of athletic test equipment worldwide. 

Lets hope we are indeed successful.

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