Thursday, December 1, 2022

Good Bye Christie McVie - singer songwriter for Fleetwood Mac.

One of the bands during my formative years (there were many, such as the Rolling Stones, Genesis and Bee Gees just to name 3) is Fleetwood Mac. Formed by Mick Fleetwood (drummer), Lindsay Buckingham (lead guitar and lead singer ), Christie McVie (singer and songwriter) and Stevie Nicks (bum shaker and not much else) they played hit after hit of pop rock in the late 70s till the early 80s.

Don't Stop was co- writtten by Christie McVie  and I read with sadness that she passed on yesterday 30th Nov 2022 aged 79. RIP Christie. You will be missed from afar but your music and youtr lyrics stays on forever. 

Many of the singers of my formative years have burned brightly and gone to the great stage in the sky, so I respectfully put up this awesome piece done in 1997 Burbank Studios in California together with the University of Southern California marching band.

For the younger readers, you missed a tremendous era when music was untainted by the Woke, cancel and LGBTQ culture. 

It was a purer, perhaps more immature time for all of us. 


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