Sunday, April 21, 2024

18 things Mentally Strong People Do ; Here are the first 6

These ideas are not mine, originally. These are taken from Mr. Steve Wohlenhaus of Weatherology Inc. (picture below) who is a motivational speaker and someone whom I share a great deal of ideals and values with. So here is the first 6, with my own life experiences thrown in. 

 1. Practice Gratitude 

This is very much like the mindset of the self assured and strong person you are or whom you want to be. If you have received help, do show thankfulness and gratitude to whoever (it can even be to God) has made you arrive at  your current situation.

I am grateful to many people, spiritual and on this earth. So I thank them in my quiet time and also in person, or do things to show my thankfulness.

2.  Learn from Mistakes

Never let ego get the better of you. The self (or Id) is a concept which some people call 'face'. Of course it is never nice to be humiliated. I've made many mistakes in my life. However, I believe I am luckier than most. I remind myself that at my age, I am blessed with so many things like my good health, my family and 2 good sons, a big roof over my head, transportation, enough food, a very safe and secure high standard of living and working environment and strong relationships with friends from many around the world, from school, life and social circles. 

I get to travel for work and relax many times a year,    

There are some people who are much better off and many many others who are worse off than where I am today,  So its useless to compare on material terms. Just aim to do better in things than what you did 1, 2 , 5 years before.  Things like :

1. analytical and logical thinking

2. compassion and empathy for your neighbour

3.  deciding on important issues correctly and fairly.

Coming back to the point of Mistakes, if you make them in private. 

a) accept them - even when they are pointed out to you from the most unexpected source.

b) realise when and why you made them

c) Focus on being a better person and pledge never to repeat them.

If your mistakes are exposed in public. That is 100 times more painful, but follow a) to c) and add d)

d) Ask God for peace in your heart. 

e) Sleep easy. In 5 years no one remembers it anyway,

f) Pray for a thicker skin. :)

3. Take Calculated Risks

Easier said than done. Get out of your comfort zone. Be used to being uncomfortable. That is the only way you grow and accomplish anything which you will one day look back and be proud of - your accomplishments.

They are not your accomplishments if you never put effort, focus,energy, blood, sweat, money and tears for.  

4. Focus on the things that can be controlled

There is so much bizarre and turbulent news of late with multiple wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and the threat of war hanging over North Asia, there is nothing much you can do ; the only thing you can control is your emotions and try to double down and prepare for a cold hard _____ number of years. Only the strongest minded will see through the hardest of times, with a little bit of luck. 

5. View failure as an opportunity for growth

Again easier said than done. Keep Calm, Move ahead with my life and business plans, save for the rainy days, invest in long term assets, keep healthy, strengthen relationships within family and close friends and stay focussed on doing the best I can. 

6. Accepting full responsibility of our own lives.

At this stage in my life. I can say that I accept my failings as they are and pledge to do better tomorrow. I do not blame anything or anyone for my lousy situation, and try my 110% to make tomorrow a better day than today.

I will move forward, try, aim high, fail, try again and again. 

That is way of being Mentally Strong. 

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