Monday, April 22, 2024

Mentally Strong People do these 18 Things - Last 6

1. Set Aside Alone Time 

This is so true. I prefer my own alone company at least 30% of the day, that is 8 hours.Take away 6 - 7 hours of sleep, I still have 1 - 2 hours during the workday thinking. Family and friends time do not interfere here. This is my way for many years, so I am used to this lifestyle.

Once, I do retire (within the next 3 - 5 years), I hope to keep the alone time sacred and spend time just focussing on my plans for whatever time I have left, and use that time meaningfully.  

2 Make Peace with the Past

I have failed on the following as I can recall. 

a) Not passing Chinese at 'A' levels 

b) Taking too easy a time earlier on in my career and rather choose to cruise and not push myself till I am about 50 years of age.

c)  Not building a larger company through a network of like minded business associates

d) Leaving project management to my staff when I should have been hands on involved in at least 2 of the major projects since 2014. That had led to almost disastrous results and I had to step in and basically bail out the projects from the top down. 

I have corrected my position, and nowadays lead from the front. This is the one true way to determine if my way is truly the most effective way to securing the deals.

3. Create your Own Definition of Success

I feel I have a good 5 - 10 years left in me for business.  What have my company achieved ?

a) Provided valuable testing for accelerated aging for biomedical and pharmaceutical manufacturers since 2017 and continue to be the sole Lab focussing on providing these important tests.  With 2 Laboratories grossing 4,000 ft2 in Singapore, we have clients from USA, Malaysia, Pakistan and Thailand who count on us. 

b) Sold, installed and commissioned the largest soldier performance chamber in Singapore by size and dollar value (US$ 890,000) in a single chamber thereby enabling our research scientists to develop better clothes, helmets, fullpacks for literally hundred of thousands of our NS men over these last 10 years.

We are still soldiering on and providing good service to the Military even today, 10 years since selling the equipment.

We MUST be successful then ?

c) Sold installed and commissioned the first and best Athletic Chamber in Asia in 2016 for elite Singapore sportsmen and sportswomen. 

Through the use of sports science, we are proud to say, we played a part in our athletes achieveing gold in both the 2016 Olympics and the 2023 Asian games.

d) Installed and commissioned a 2 athlete chamber for Qatar Hospital for rehabilitation of elite athletes in 2017. 

e) Installed and commissioned a 4 athlete chamber for an Australian University to provide research studies and papers for heat effects on elite athletes.

4. Spend Mental Energy Wisely 

This is so true. I know my mental energies and sharpness are best in the morning from 8 - 12 pm. So I make the key decisions during those times.

5. Stay True to Ones Values

This is the key to success.

a) Honesty to all in business and relationships

b) Put in 110% to all my endeavors

c) Be a fair person\

d) Meet with the winners

e) A dollar saved is a dollar earned.

f) Save enough so that my descendants can enjoy something when I am not around.

6. Retain Personal Power.

Personal Power I believe is charisma, the way you carry yourself and face all the obstacles in the world. Somedays you only want to curl up and stay in  bed. Well don't.

Life is short already as it is ; when you have personal power, you want to get things done and see that what your existence here on this earth amounts to.

True personal power I guess is changing people for the better. To achieve that, you first need to change yourself.


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