Saturday, September 14, 2024

Trip to Shenyang 8 - 12 September 2024


Mukden Palace (Forbidden City Shenyang) 9th Sept 2024 

I have just finished an extremely rewarding and interesting visit to Shenyang China this past week. It was a business cum leisure trip of 5 days of which 1 day was spent at the Canta Technology factory touring the factory as well as attending the full day convention highlighting the technology of O2 enhancement in everyday life and also in reversing aging.

I was grateful to be asked onstage as a new distributor to give my views on the product and I am glad to report that this is product of the future.

The era of living past 100 years is upon us and if we are mindful of what we eat, do proper exercise and get adequate sleep, it is highly possible for many in our midst to live to be a centenarian.

The only downside is making sure we have enough to live meaningful and purposeful lives which not only enrich, but uplift as many of the people around our spheres of influence. 

Mukden Palace was the abode of the 2nd Qing Emperor who ruled for 14 years in Shenyang. He was the 2nd Emperor of the late Jin and early Qing Dynasty. This was the period of the Manchu, and the magnificent architecture displays designs of that era. His son, subsequently moved the entire royal family to Beijing in 1645. The Palace was then left empty and only used as a regional holiday home. The entire Qing Dynasty lasted only 19 short years, from 1626 till 1645.

 The Royal Throne. 

My takeaway from this China trip ? China is very much on the ascendency, the technology of the cars, the equipment, the infrastructure and telecommunications leads me to believe, that the rest of the world needs to 

a) acknowledge that China is leading the world in many sectors
b) Soft power from China will always be the front and centre of their influence.

We should not be ostriches hiding our heads in the sand. Instead, we  we should embrace their desire to be accepted globally as an economic power while using their advanced research and technological prowess can help solve many of the worlds current problems.

While we are now in  a multi polar world, the rest of the world would benefit from China's contribution rather than stifle its growth through prohibitive tariffs and exhibiting blatant protectionistic behavior.   

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pano Kato Tanglin Mall - Surprisingly Good Greek Food

Pita with 3 types of Dip 

The House of Anli of which Pano Kato Greek Restaurant is a part of, is one of our regular Saturday night haunts with the family. Since the younger son Andrew is studying in Brisbane Australia, the 3 of us have ventured all around the island for the best of Asian, Mediterranean and even African food.

Today, as I depart for a red eye flight to Sheyang China, I am penning this post before catching the Grab to the airport. Here is my review of Pano Kato dishes. 

Pita Bread with 3 types of Dip. (Price S$ 28)  

This dish came within 5 minutes upon ordering. The bread was warmed (probably kept in the oven) and the 3 dips were excellent. We ordered 

a) Hummus 

Its a paste made from chickpea, paprika, lemon, evoo and tahini. I enjoy this healthy dip every other week for breakfast with olive crackers. This is my normal breakfast dip.

b) Tzatziki

Made from Greek Yoghurt, cucumber, garlic and evoo.   Very refreshing especially with the cucumber zing

c) Melitzanosalata 

My personal favorite, as it reminds me of the dahl type dip which I would eat with Idly when I was a little kid and my dad brought me to Anandha Bhavan to try the Rava Dosai 

Its made from roasted eggplant, spicy capsicum, garlic and lemon.

Wagyu Beef Soulvaki Kebab 

Wagyu Beef Soulvaki (Price S$ 32) 

My second favourite dish of the night. The grilled skewered beef was tender, flavourful and slightly moist which was very pleasing to the palate. The dips was the Tzazitki which was a repeat of the Pita dips but it was a great foil to the beef. There was a slice of lemon to add some zing to the taste.

I would order this again. 

 Grilled Pork Rib 

Grilled Pork Rib (S$ 38) 

My favourite dish of the evening. I had 2 ribs and I must say that the pork flavour was great, tender and moist and the grill was just well done. The fresh salad was a welcome foil although I felt the dip was something from Subway (rather sweet) so I avoided the dip. The portion of this rib was huge, so its well worth a try.

For solo diners this would be perfect. 

Grilled Chicken Soulvakis 

Grilled Chicken Soulvakis (Price S$ 28) 

The meat again was tender, tasty and moist with just the right amount of burnt ends. I am not really into grilled chicken and had chicken rice (boiled chicken) for lunch perhaps that is why I didn't think this dish as exceptional

All in all it was an excellent meal. We have visited Pano Kato at least 6 times, and I must say that today, the food must have been the most satisfying of the 6 visits.

My review

Ambience :  4 / 5     Very laid back and not too crowded for a Saturday night. My kind of place.

Food        :  5  / 5     Top Notch 

Value for 
Money     :  4.5 / 5   As far as Greek restaurants go, this is affordable with each pax paying 
                                about $70 (including service and GST)

Service    :  4   /  5   Prompt and friendly but not nearly as prompt as I would want it to be. 

Overall    :    4.61    (Near Excellence) 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Accelerated Aging and Sterile Barrier Testing Services by QRA International - Your Trusted Service Partner in S.E. Asia and beyond

                What Exactly is a Sterile Barrier and What Does It Do ? 

                   How does one test the Sealing of the Sterile Barrier ?


Tyvek Seal and Polyurethane Packaging form the Sterile Barrier System in this Picture 

The sterile barrier is the external barrier (some examples can be Tyvek material or Polyurethane seal) which separates the internal components, powders, medicines etc from the elements. When we say barrier, it is normally a vacuum sealed package or polyurethane sealing which protects the internal to the external.

In most cases,it is either water resistant or water proof.

Hence it is crucial that the sterile barrier is never compromised.

A key function of a sterile barrier system is to maintain the safety of a terminally sterilised medical device until its point of use - typically in a healthcare setting.

QRA International network of Laboratories can evaluate the sterile integrity of your final packaging design through a series of seal integrity  and seal strength testing outlined in ISO 11607 - Packaging for Terminally Sterilised Medical Devices. 

Seal integrity testing identifies any leaks around the seal area of your packaging system.Seal integrity testing identifies any leaks around the seal area of your packaging system. Seal integrity testing is followed by seal strength testing to evaluate the mechanical strength of your packaging system and the force needed to separate and open the seal. A high numerical force value could indicate challenges in opening your packaging system by hand, and a low numerical force value could indicate poor bonding of materials.

Choose QRA International Medical Device Testing to help you to :

a) Validate your final packaging system 

b)     proper device performance during the manufacturing process.

c) Establish material compatability and proper bonding to maintain the sterile environment throughout the shelf life of your product.

d) Ensure the seal of your packaging system does not change due to environmental stressors such as distribution and shelf life.

Tests Available by QRA and its partners :

Accelerated Aging Tests

1. Accelerated Aging Tests (ASTM F 1980 - 21 and ISO 11607)

2. Shelf Life Test 

Seal Integrity Tests

1. Visual Inspection (ASTM F1886)

2. Dye Penetration (ASTM F 1929  & F 3039)

3. Bubble Emission (ASTM F 2096)

Seal Strength Tests 

1. Peel / Seal Strength Test (ASTM F 88, EN 868 - 5 Annex D).

Interested ? Contact the friendly QRA International Sales Specialists at 

email :


Or visit our website at for more information 

We are here to serve the International Biomedical Community 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Barcelona's Push Back against Tourists is a long time coming ; Decoupling of the World ?


                                                                    Waterfront Barcelona 

The recent push back by Bacelonan residents against the tourists is a disappointment, but not surprising. After a while, many locals I guess will be wondering "what is happening to my city ?" and will take action against the tourists, the majority of whom are law abiding and patronise the clubs, cafes and restaurants, in addition to the places of interest for example, 

1. La Pedrera

2. Joan Miro Institute

3. Parc Guell

4. La Sagrada Familia 

5. La Rambla

The reality of it all, is that tourism, warts and all, form a substantial amount to the gross revenue of the city. So, if there were no tourists, Barcelona would become something of a ghost town.

Easily 50% of its tapas restaurants, clubs and bars would shutter.

I guess, the compromise would be to limit the number of travellers to the city / country but that in itself is an impossibility, given the open borders to all neighbouring EU countries.

Is there a win win outcome to this situation ?

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Spartan Mindset for Success

The Spartans were renowned for their fighting prowess against tremendous odds and they won many battles. When they lost battles, they lost them narrowly, always keeping to their iron discipline and dignity till the bitter end.

Spartans are a people who I really admire. When they are mightily outnumbered, they do not flinch because they have in them a particular mindset which encompasses these 6 rules. I apply my own life as an example.  


Look back at your life. Remember the days and months or years you took to achieve something that was meaningful to you. It was pretty damn uncomfortable wasn't it ? My running and completing of 10 full marathons was exactly that. I would 

a) Get to bed by 10 or 10.30 pm latest

b) Wake up at 5 am sharp day in or day out

c) Do all my toiletries and head out the door by 5.30 am. Reach the start point and just 'Go'

   The only exceptions  were when it was raining cats and dogs or when I was overseas on a business trip/

d) Sweat buckets as I hit the tarmac and ploughed out 10 km to 14 km DAILY.

This tough regimen may appear crazy to many, but as a serious marathoner, it was LIfe.

I am very proud to this day that I did and completed the full 10 marathons, and many many half marathons.

Was it uncomfortable ? Of course, I got out of my comfort zone a long time ago.

Self Discipline 

With that kind of schedule, I had to turn down numerous social appointments and kept to an early start of each weekday. The weekends Sat was reserved for the even longer run of 14km to 20 km when preparing for an imminent marathon.

Growth Mindset 

Always keep a mindset to learn new things. With the digital transformation age well upon us, we must always keep learning and not be afraid to say I don't know and teach me. Then go and learn as best as I can.

Have a Sense of Purpose

I do have a 3 and 5 year plan in place. I also try to reach out to others to help wherever and whenever possible

Establish an Exercise Routine.

Im struggling with this at the moment, with life changes and timelines. I know these are excuses, but I set aside at least 3 days a week, 2 for runs and 1 for karate training to keep my body active and healthy. 

Eating healthily (avoid the processed bar foods as much as I can) and keeping the drinking sessions to a minimum, are also on my watch and control list. 

Develop Mental Resilience. 

Diamonds are produced under tremedous pressure over time and also heat impacted. The strongest metals like iron and steel are also heat derived. The strongest minds must be resilience BUT at the same time open to new ideas which will come up and challenge even the smartest of us all.

Take the Mental Resilience Route, But stay aware for new ideas and threats. 


Saturday, July 6, 2024

QRA International Test Lab is at 100 % Capacity ; We are so grateful to our loyal customers


Focus, Resilience, Luck and Grit 

I have a dream, to make QRA International the 'go to' Test Laboratory for the S.E.Asian region for biomedical and pharmaceutical manufacturers and we will go on from strength to strength.

We will weather all storms, from cashflow, to fighting or market share, keeping our place in the heirarchy of Test Labs and build the brand into a global No. 1 brand for the space 

Test Laboratory for Biomedical manufacturers. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

7 Dec 2016 Placa Catalunya and La Rambla

At  Placa Catalunya 

The Centre of Barcelona like in any major city is the Main Bus and Train Station. Called the Placa de Catalunya, it is somewhere at the middle of the town, and at the start of La Rambla. To the north, that portion of the city is called Eixample. To the right, Barri Gotic,to the left, El Raval and Montjuic and to the south, the Waterfront.

Where we stayed is right smack at the waterfront and our hotel has  a lovely view of the Marina and the Mediterranean Sea.

 The Waterfront view from the Hotel along Passeig de Colom

The walk along Placa de Catalunya to La Rambla is a truly unforgettable one. The street is lined with pushcarts, there are lots and lots of pickpockets (I was one of the unfortunate ones who had his phone stolen literally right under my nose !). The pushcarts or pop up stalls sell everything from hamburgers, hotdogs, Barcelona FC T shirts (fake ones) and all manner of trinkets.

We stopped and went into the Jamon Museum where we saw how the pigs are reared happily for their meat and for how long are the meat cured before they are sold in the open market. 

The highlights of this first visit must be the La Sagrada Familia and Parc Guell which I will write another couple of posts on. We were getting pretty familiar with the place and I recall putting on my running shoes early one morning and running all the way along the Waterfront road Passeig  de Colom to past the World Trade Centre to some highway and return. Such was my passion those days that I brought my running shoes with me for our holidays and I tried to run everywhere we went. 

Statue of Christopher Colombus pointing to the Western shores. 

Mirador a Colom 

Christopher Columbus was in fact of Italian origin. He was commissioned by Queen Isabella to go West and discover new worlds, in the late 15th century and he is credited in 'discovering' the Americas. Actually, there were already the inhabitants in the Caribbean Islands whom he thought were Indians.

The design should be that he is pointing Westward. The travel guides like to joke that he is pointing to the Red Light District of Barcelona !!   


Street Artist along La Rambla 

1960s - 1970s Pix from Those Days