Friday, January 30, 2009

Service here is SUB - STANDARD !

This sandwich restaurant has been in Singapore for at least 5 years now and with more than 20 outlets in various places like Changi airport Terminal 1, I got quite hooked on their Subs about a year ago what with their focus on fresh food,healthier food choices such as tuna, chicken breast fillets, teriyaki chicken and plenty of lettuce, tomatoes,olives,onions and as much (or as little in my case) of dressing.

I frequent 2 outlets, one at Raffles City and another at Great World City. While the food standard is more or less consistent,and with the customer (me) required to interact extensively with the server in ordering :

a) type of Submarine sandwich
b) Size : 6 inch or a foot long
c) type of bread (6 types)
d) toasted or not
e) type of filling (you choose)
f) type of dressing (8 types)
g) side orders to go with your Sub

In an earlier blog, I had praised the foreign worker for showing exemplary service to me.Unfortunately, this time around, all of the front line service or food servers were mainly foreign (the ones in Raffles City are Filippino and Chinese, the one at Great World City is Filippino and a local). They are all young, males and females, but they all lack the Customer Service Attitude or even the basic greeting of "Good Morning or Hello " is absent. It may a motivational problem which the Management should look into, providing training in handling customers or even good customer etiquette.

My experience is almost always the same, even though I frequent the place perhaps 3 times in the week. They show no sign of recognising me (I am there at almost the same time about 9.30 am most weekdays).No greeting, the same dour expression, the monotonous questions with the food servings and the emphasis on finishing up my order.

I might as well order from a machine if I had to !

The key point is that these people are the 'ambassadors' of the company. No matter how good your food is,the key objective is to enhance the dining experience and to make your customer feel elated. Of course food taste and presentation is top priority no doubt but Service is the 'x' factor here. I can cite Starbucks at Marina Square is one such excellent example where I am happy to patronise. On seeing me come again for several days in a row, the barista can preempt my coffee order as well as the sandwich I normally like. On top of that, on seeing me as a 'regular' the baristas have invited me to their monthly Coffee Parties to thank regular customers. Now THAT IS EXCELLENT SERVICE.

When you are at the front line, that is the Sales or Service people, be mindful to have a positive attitude in giving it your all to your customer. Because when your customer feels your moodiness,or half-heartedness,even though you are 'doing your job' he will take his business elsewhere and it will ultimately affect everyone, and most likely you.

St Andrew's Reunion Dinner August 2008 - New Pics

St Andrews Class of 1978 circa August 2008

Finally the DVD and pictures of the Saint Andrews Reunion Dinner 2008 held on August 30th have reached me. 3 tables (32) Old Boys of the graduating class of Secondary 4 1978 made the event and I very glad I came. Many of my old friends I had not been in contact for 30 years ! The old saying of "when you are a child, time crawls, when you are youthful, time walks, as a young man, it runs and in middle age, time flies, in our greying and golden ages,time zips by" is very true. We are all older and hopefully wiser, some of us have the middle age spread, some hair loss but almost all of us look and feel like when we were 16 ! I say this with my tongue -in - cheek !

Me, Andrew Lee, Aldrin Ow Hing Choy

Peter Chin,Ng Tong Yang,Ng Heng Chow

Sad to say we reminisce the ones that have passed on sometime ago, Raymond Goh (in the 90s in the UK) and Andrew Fok (also in the 90s). All of us men are mindful of the fact that time is catching up on us and we need to Sieze the Day so to speak and make the most of what God has given us,in terms of our families, work and business opportunities and make our lives and those around us meaningful.

Andrew Lee,Aldrin Ow Hing Choy, Poon, Jay Soo Kian Teck

Jokes there were aplenty,like when was the first sex book passed around in class (!), who created the most scandals (no, not me), who the most popular teachers were in terms of 'judeness' (sex appeal), which teacher was gay,the day we all got caned for getting "0" for our Civics Test,all the small stuff which was the BIG NEWS in that time and day. So, in actual fact, for the few hours,on 30th August 2008, we were magically transported to our Boyhood which was so carefree,simple and idealistic in those days,untainted with the technological toys of our current 21st century, what with the advent of the mobile phone,Internet,SMS,MMS, MSN, Blackberry,Bluetooth,3G and IPods,Facebook and the so -called 'Facebook friends phenomenon'. When the evening was over, we all sang the School Song "Up and On" and many of us felt like we had never really 'left'.

The Matrix animation designer (fellow Saint) and Dr. Woffles Wu

Fong Kai Yew (seated),Edward Ong (standing),Sunil Subnani (seated), Chiu Look Kwong (standing)

These friendships set in those days I believe will outlast all these technological interconnections, and as our collective conciousness and shared experiences bear testimony, it is these friendships which I cherish and I hope will last for the longest time. So, friends,and fellow Saints,


Sunday, January 25, 2009

CNY Reunion Dinner 2009 - Let the Feasting Begin

One for the Memories

The Happy Grandparents

Home Cooked Ngoh Hiang with Minced Pork,Water Chestnut,Carrots,Flour,Salt and Secret Ingredient Sauce

Claypot 'Pan Chai' with Abalone, Fa Chai, Duck's Feet, Mushroom, Roast Pork,Lotus Root from East Ocean Restaurant

Mushrooms with Chicken Feet

Chye Sim Vegetables

All around Singapore and the world, families are gathering for the Annual Reunion Dinner a time honoured tradition where the people relinquish the problems of the Old Year (Rat) and look forward to the New Year (Ox). This New Year, the world is in the grip of a Major Depression and analysts and economists are united in fortelling the grim future.Nonetheless, optimistic Chinese people are carrying on and though there might be some belt tightening, such as not eating out in swanky restaurants and opening thousand dollar bottles of wine, the Reunion Dinner is still a must.

This year, as with last year, the Dinner is held at my house and my wife,May, will go all out to produce 'fine Chinese cuisine'. This year is no different. She specially made the Ngoh Hiang (fried with secret special ingredient),Tom Yam Prawn and the Mushroom Stew -prepared over 2 days to bring out the flavour. Add to that we ordered the special 'Pan Cai' or Claypot and the Roast Duck from top Restaurant East Ocean Teochew Restaurant. To offset all that protein and gout inducing dishes, we also had some humble Chye Sim fried with garlic.

Andrew doing his Robot Dance

The small talk is normally centred around the kids schoolwork and their antics. This year, the elder boy Noel was just reprimanded for throwing an egg (yes) and a stink bomb over to the neighbours, my brother's house. After dinner, there was some entertainment by Andrew performing a robot dance and my niece Hannah, mimicking him as an Egyptian princess.

I anticipate several days of eating at various relatives houses so I would put it in the category of 'carbo -loading' and I would attempt to run off or burn it off at the earliest opportunity.


Preparing for CNY Year of the Ox

Oranges symbolise Luck and the chocolates and sweets symbolise Plenty,Hong Bao is of course Money in Abundance

The Pussy Willow is a favourite amongst Chinese families with its long branches and cat furry like 'leaves'

I am half-Chinese (the other half is Indian), and my wife is Chinese, I have had the happy experiences of the Nong Li Xin Nian and recall the vivid memories of first receiving the much cherised Hong Bao (red packets containing money) from young,right through my teeange years and as a young adult.Now as a middle-aged person with family and children, my impressions of the Chinese New Year and its traditions take on new meanings as time goes by. Most important is the concept of the respect for elders and filial peity, and the congregating of close family members near and far for the Reunion Dinner.

People are known to fly half the world over just to meet with their parents,siblings and their spouses especially during Chinese New Year. Also, millions of migrant Chinese workers go back to their hometowns weeks before the New Year from the big cities leaving the citites virtual 'ghost towns'.

It is safe to say that most youngsters and teenagers would think of themselves as "citizens of the world" and basically cultureless. As we grow and mature, we realise that we belong to certain heritages and the observance of these time honoured practices by 'our' people is what we call 'customs'. I am guilty of ignorance of many of the meanings of the Chinese customs and traditions but I do my part when it comes to fixing or decorating the house, and the deliveryboy errands like purchasing the Pussy Willow plants, flowerpots and some food dishes like "ClayPot" (Pan Chai) from the local restaurant.

Each year,my family has a Reunion Dinner at my House with my parents (my Mum is the eldest daughter), my younger Brother's family,my Aunt (2nd sister) and her daughter (my cousin). Each New Year's Day we will celebrate at my house (I am the elder son of the Eldest Sister) with about 50 people attending with all their families.

Above are some of the decorations in anticipation of the Year of the Ox.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Importance of Being Enthusiastic

Several days ago, I went on a short overseas trip to Kuala Lumpur for work. As is common with me, I normally like to browse at the duty free (no GST) shops which are beyond the customs chek-in at Changi airport Terminal 2 as they normally have the latest fashion and accessories on sale and this time of year is when most boutique outlets have the year-end or pre-Chinese New Year Sales.

I made a beeline for the Raoul menswear shop at T2, I was dressed to meet customers in KL so was in the full business getup,longsleeve shirt,tie,business pants,the works. Raoul has one of the more fashionable mens ready to wear range of clothing in Singapore, and their prices are mid range, the higher end being Hugo Boss, Armani and Zegna. Why I stress this is that I was not dressed like some foreign worker or even a casual tourist.Being a regular customer of Raoul in their downtown shops at Paragon as well as Raffles City, I was aware that the year -end Sales of 40 to 70 percent applies to the Changi T2 shop too.

As I approached the shop, I noticed that the signage for the Sales was not displayed but another Sale sign was displayed for Singapore Airlines travellers, display your SQ boarding pass and you automatically get a 15% discount.

The SINGAPOREAN salesman manning the shop was busy chatting on the phone, he was obviously talking to his girlfriend, or sweetheart when I entered, as his expression displayed it.I went to the business shirts area intent on picking up a nice shirt or 2 at a good price. After about 5 minutes, of further yakking on his part, he noticed I wanted some clarification so he put down the phone and looked at me, rather haughtily and said " Yes ?".

It seemed that I was "invading" into his private space and was providing to be a nuisance to his morning talk-cock session. I asked him several questions which I knew the answers just to check what I already knew, the items with the Red stickers would be marked down 40% and Yellow stickers were 30% markdowns. He answered just to the point,not elaborating and for all intents and purposes 'doing his job'

The perception I got was that he was just "doing his job" - giving the customer the basic information requested and nothing more. No selling techniques of promoting the various designs, whether they were this seasons or last seasons, cutting,shirt size, not even coaxing me to try on a shirt,nothing. The notion of an over-pushy salesman would definately NOT apply to him. Anyway, most over-pushy salespeople, can be overcome by a "No, thanks, I'm just browsing" and they would back off.

I decided NOT to buy based on 2 criteria :

a) I did not want to lug the extra shirt or two and would buy after my trip when I
touched down. The shirts were of full cotton fabric,stylish and 'slim fit'.

b) I was not sold to ; - that is the saddest and most off-putting part. So I did
not give him the pleasure or the opportunity of making a business transaction
from me.

Fast Forward to the Next Day, when I returned from my 2 day trip.Upon touching down, I made my way to the same shop and decided to buy the shirt(s) as I needed some for the CNY.

Upon entering the shop, this CHINESE (foreign) went straight up to me and said,

" Good evening sir, can I help you, are you looking for anything specific?"

Immediately, I felt elevated, I was THE CUSTOMER. This Sales person went to describe the Sales items on the racks, the latest designs, the cutting and material used plus the additional special offer for SQ flyers would get (15% discount, if one presented the boarding pass). Always with a smile on his face and ever ready to serve me.He obviously was very enthusiastic about his job and it showed.

While trying on the shirt, he enquired about its fitting and if I was satisfied, would pack in a new shirt and even told me the discounted price to gauge whether I was comfortable with it. I was so pleased that I almost wanted to buy 2 shirts on impulse (what with the Sales going on) but resisted after convincing myself to exercise restraint,"times are bad".


So, especially in these difficult economic times,everyone is fighting tooth and nail for survival, particularly the retail industry.If you were the boss of these 2 sales people, the SINGAPOREAN and the CHINESE, and you had to decide that there was only room for 1 job, because of cost cutting,just think :

a) who would sell more and thus ensuring the survival or even the eventual expansion of the business ?

The answer is obvious,the nationality is stated in this story to emphasise that to my fellow Singaporeans, these are exceptional and potentially very dificcult and trying times,and they call for exceptional performances and services to meet up to the challenge. Business owners like myself are not obliged to keep staff because they are Singaporean, they may be 'just doing their jobs' but THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. However,what is additionally required is :

a) good work attitude and earnestness
b) hunger for securing business and with an eye on lowering costs

Who has demonstrated these above 2 criteria ?


Monday, January 19, 2009

Chinese New Year 2009

The Year of the Ox is shaping up to be a challenging one, what with the very uncertain economic times currently upon us. Nonetheless, based on my visits to various places such as Tiong Bahru Market,(pictures above)Thomson Road Flower Shops as well as the bustling Orchard Road Department Stores, everyone seems to be out in force with the purpose of buying new clothing,shoes, flowering plants, haircuts and perms,anything to get 'rid of the old and in with the new'.

There is no truth (at least from what I am seeing) that people seem to be only windowshopping.Everywhere there are sales aplenty in Takashima, Paragon,Raffles City and elsewhere and this should be one of the best times of the year for all retailers. However,the busyness of shopping centers is no accurate reflection of the economy as a whole as Singapore's population of 5 Million,has about 1 to 1.5 Million with disposable income, and these cannot translate into any serious GDP growth.If we were one third the size of China , say 400 Million, then it would definately stimulate growth.

Anyway,lets just enjoy the Chinese New Year and welcome the Year of the Ox and the challenges that it will bring.

Monday, January 12, 2009

My first 5km in 6 weeks ; Oh the exhilaration !

Today marks the first milestone in my 'comeback' as a runner and possibly marathoner. I laced up my shoes,at 6.15pm and tried (as I had been trying for at least the past 2 weeks, after taking an enforced 4 week break) again to make a decent run at a decent pace. I had beforehand loosened my hamstring muscles by using the rubber trainer and did a full set of hamstring to quad stretches for 10 minutes.

My orthopaedic doctor, Dr. Khong, had advised me to run with my heel hitting the ground first,rolling into midsole and toe-off. This is to minimise the impact and increase the area which your foot and hence leg strikes the floor and thus lower the pressure and force upwards to the knee and hips. This is many running coaches viewpoint,an inefficient way of runing as the heelstrike to toe-off method ,takes up more total time per stride compared to using the midsole bounce method.

My first 100m was the hardest, as the muscles were still stiff after a day at the office and I actually experienced some pain after 400 m upslope. I was running with the normal forward pronation method (landing on midesole) so I stopped and walked and changed to the heelstrike method which looked a bit funny at first, that is your foot extends out like walking and your body is erect and slightly bent.

I urged myself on at a slow pace and off I went, and then something magical happened, the muscles loosened and my running became more relaxed and though I was running heel hitting the ground first, I was actually running at a slow but decent pace.There was minimal pain,which became diminished as I ran as I was aware how to land my left foot heel first.

Motivated by this, I continued and focussed on running as naturally as possible. The pain was almost negligible and VOILA I was pronating normally with my midsole hitting the ground first. I was running normally again !

So after my first historic run after a major injury today 12th January 2009,I clocked in a time of 34 minutes for 5 km, way slower than my normal times of 26 -27 minutes. My will to run is overpowering pain and setbacks. I sincerely hope I can run the distances I used to run before. Time will tell.

Are you a Tourist or Activist in Your Life ?

Over lunch with a couple of friends last week,I put this question to them. "Are you a tourist in your life?". Literally meaning, are you just passing by and taking in the sights,going with the flow, not taking any risks and hoping that your job pays you enough for retirement, and just keep to the tried and tested route of getting a degree,working for a big company,settling down,some politiking to keep your job safe,eventually play golf and so on and so on.Its like a conducted tour for millions of people around the world of their lives !

Conversely, an Activist HAS to take a stand on issues affecting the world around him,in the global,political,social,community,family and business arenas.
Sadly, a great majority of people are tourists who would rather sit back and complain and bitch about everything and anything and not do an iota about it. "Coffeshop chatter".Don't forget, "Talk is cheap".

When my Karate instructor,Mr.KF Chia questioned in his blog, "what is the meaning of life ?", I think to me, it means what I can contribute to the people around me that I love, like and have interactions with. It probably means how much I can "impact upon" the people around me who matter the most. Whether I can change the way the system in Singapore works is up to me to :

a)take a atand and voice up my concerns
b)band together like minded poeple for the common cause
c)be an evangelist to propose my cause strongly. (Practise what you preach)

"It is never about money" but at the same time, money is an integral part of everyone's life. So the accumulation of acceptable wealth is a key ingredient in making my life meaningful.After accumulating some wealth, I feel compelled to give back to the people around me and "impact" positively my family, friends, colleagues and acquaintences.This can be in the form of monetary donations (the easist), or my time and expertise (people say I am a great BS artist with some experience!)or even coaching people to run - which I have been doing so for the last 3 years, in a small way.

So be an Activist in your Life. A Hands On Father (for example), a Life Coach, a Fitness Instructor or if you are gifted in managing people (like my friend Roland Teo), a People Developer. That is the greatest contribution each and everyone of us has a responsibility to ourselves and our loved ones.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 for Business - Excellent,Good, Bad or Awful

Happy New Year 2009! As I paused to reflect on one more year passing and the hope of a better year (and tomorrow !) even though many economists and analysts say this is the 'die die' year where new business and orders will be hard to come by, funds will be difficult to raise and banks will be loath to lend to SMEs such as my company, I couldn't help but look at the 'big picture' of the situation from my small company owner perspective.I have happily noted that the Governments for BOTH Singapore and Malaysia are pushing out tenders at a fast rate (under GeBiz for Singapore) and through the Malaysian newspapapers. They are NOT standing and staring like some deer stuck on the highway ready to be knocked down by oncoming vehicles.Some things to highlight on the positive :

Government Contracts
SIRIM, MIMOS, S'pore Polytechnic, SERIS and NUS are coming out 'fast and furious'. This is mainly to 'pump prime' the economy and stimulate business and cashflow from Government to the SMEs.

Government of S'pore 
has been pushing the banks for more leeway in lending SMEs facilities like SME or Micro loans.

Early Government Budget Presentation
in anticipation of the uncertain economic times expected

These are all things to be cheered about, cashflow, orders and hopefully lower taxes are all the ingredients for small companies to survive the Financial Tsunami
of the Century.Coupled with supportive principals from Germany to China and a motivated team of good people,I am very optimistic that we should be able to ride the huge wave in our small cruiser as compared to many companies as large as ocean liners who would be too slow to maneauvre as quickly.

So I will stick my neck out and say that 2009 should be somewhere between
Good to Excellent for my small business from my standpoint.

Here's to 2009 with much anticipation !

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...