Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 for Business - Excellent,Good, Bad or Awful

Happy New Year 2009! As I paused to reflect on one more year passing and the hope of a better year (and tomorrow !) even though many economists and analysts say this is the 'die die' year where new business and orders will be hard to come by, funds will be difficult to raise and banks will be loath to lend to SMEs such as my company, I couldn't help but look at the 'big picture' of the situation from my small company owner perspective.I have happily noted that the Governments for BOTH Singapore and Malaysia are pushing out tenders at a fast rate (under GeBiz for Singapore) and through the Malaysian newspapapers. They are NOT standing and staring like some deer stuck on the highway ready to be knocked down by oncoming vehicles.Some things to highlight on the positive :

Government Contracts
SIRIM, MIMOS, S'pore Polytechnic, SERIS and NUS are coming out 'fast and furious'. This is mainly to 'pump prime' the economy and stimulate business and cashflow from Government to the SMEs.

Government of S'pore 
has been pushing the banks for more leeway in lending SMEs facilities like SME or Micro loans.

Early Government Budget Presentation
in anticipation of the uncertain economic times expected

These are all things to be cheered about, cashflow, orders and hopefully lower taxes are all the ingredients for small companies to survive the Financial Tsunami
of the Century.Coupled with supportive principals from Germany to China and a motivated team of good people,I am very optimistic that we should be able to ride the huge wave in our small cruiser as compared to many companies as large as ocean liners who would be too slow to maneauvre as quickly.

So I will stick my neck out and say that 2009 should be somewhere between
Good to Excellent for my small business from my standpoint.

Here's to 2009 with much anticipation !

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