Friday, January 30, 2009

St Andrew's Reunion Dinner August 2008 - New Pics

St Andrews Class of 1978 circa August 2008

Finally the DVD and pictures of the Saint Andrews Reunion Dinner 2008 held on August 30th have reached me. 3 tables (32) Old Boys of the graduating class of Secondary 4 1978 made the event and I very glad I came. Many of my old friends I had not been in contact for 30 years ! The old saying of "when you are a child, time crawls, when you are youthful, time walks, as a young man, it runs and in middle age, time flies, in our greying and golden ages,time zips by" is very true. We are all older and hopefully wiser, some of us have the middle age spread, some hair loss but almost all of us look and feel like when we were 16 ! I say this with my tongue -in - cheek !

Me, Andrew Lee, Aldrin Ow Hing Choy

Peter Chin,Ng Tong Yang,Ng Heng Chow

Sad to say we reminisce the ones that have passed on sometime ago, Raymond Goh (in the 90s in the UK) and Andrew Fok (also in the 90s). All of us men are mindful of the fact that time is catching up on us and we need to Sieze the Day so to speak and make the most of what God has given us,in terms of our families, work and business opportunities and make our lives and those around us meaningful.

Andrew Lee,Aldrin Ow Hing Choy, Poon, Jay Soo Kian Teck

Jokes there were aplenty,like when was the first sex book passed around in class (!), who created the most scandals (no, not me), who the most popular teachers were in terms of 'judeness' (sex appeal), which teacher was gay,the day we all got caned for getting "0" for our Civics Test,all the small stuff which was the BIG NEWS in that time and day. So, in actual fact, for the few hours,on 30th August 2008, we were magically transported to our Boyhood which was so carefree,simple and idealistic in those days,untainted with the technological toys of our current 21st century, what with the advent of the mobile phone,Internet,SMS,MMS, MSN, Blackberry,Bluetooth,3G and IPods,Facebook and the so -called 'Facebook friends phenomenon'. When the evening was over, we all sang the School Song "Up and On" and many of us felt like we had never really 'left'.

The Matrix animation designer (fellow Saint) and Dr. Woffles Wu

Fong Kai Yew (seated),Edward Ong (standing),Sunil Subnani (seated), Chiu Look Kwong (standing)

These friendships set in those days I believe will outlast all these technological interconnections, and as our collective conciousness and shared experiences bear testimony, it is these friendships which I cherish and I hope will last for the longest time. So, friends,and fellow Saints,


1 comment:

matrix 224keanue reeves matrix 556red pill 887 blue bill 99836nokia7700 matrix reloaded matrixrevolution 668 matrix said...

We like matrix animation designer.
Not so much robinson crusoe.

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