Friday, July 31, 2009

Air Asia - Success Story in the Making

Now Everyone Can Fly

Air Asia is the upstart company headed by ex-music industry executive Tony fernandez. Formed in 2002, its business model was initially greeted with scepticism and people said, "Oh its not safe, they use old planes, the low cost terminal is not convenient" and other excuses.

Come 2009 and even I am now a convert, I took the first low cost flight to K.L. return and it cost me only S$ 114; I made the final booking about 3 days beforehand. Boarding passes are just printouts,the checkin counters to KL and Bangkok are usually very fast moving, and the check-in staff very friendly.

Refurbished Airbuses A 320 for Air Asia

My reservations were that Air Asia were compromising on safety by using old planes and inexperienced pilots, but all these were wiped away when I took my first flight to KL. The plane looks to be about 15 years old but refurbished interior and was able to carry about 240 passengers,about 6 per aisle, 3 on each side. The cabin crew and stewardesses were very friendly and ever smiling and the experience I had was as good as SIA's which says alot about Air Asia.

Departing flights from Changi Terminal 1

Air Asia departs from Changi's Terminal 1, where we use the aerobridge.On arrival in K.L., we disembark at the Low Cost carrier Terminal LCCT in Sepang,about 10 minutes drive from KLIA. The only downside is that you have to walk down the airramp steps as used in the past by airlines onto the tarmac, and walk through the long walk-way to the Terminal, typically about 10 minutes or less.It is a good idea that this mode of disembarking allows both the front and rear exits of the plane to be used, thus ensuring a speedy getting off.

Passengers alighting from the plane at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal in Kuala Lumpur

The plane cruises at 23,000 feet, therby using more fuel and taking about 10 minutes longer than if it were SIA or MAS.However, this time lag is not notiecable for such a short trip and everything else of this trip was first class.
I intend to use Air Asia again. The airline recently voted by Sky Trax Magazine as the Best Low Cost Carrier in the World for 2008.

SIA, the challenge has been thrown down. In these uncertain economic times, business people and travellers are scaling down on travel costs and low costs carriers still get the job done. You have been warned !!

KSK victories

Esther as our only participant in the International Shitoryu Youth Championship 2009

This year, our member Esther Tan received the rare honour of winning the Kumite or free sparring Gold for the age group 17-21 Ladies in the International Shitoryu Championship held in Singapore. Renowned for her tenacity and aggressiveness, she totally overwhelmed her opponent in 3 rounds.

Esther Tan wins the Gold Medal for Kumite at the International Shitoryu Youth Championship 2009

A friendly and humble member, she is easily our most decorated member of the Club with immense potential to go very far in this sport.She has brought alot of recognition to herself and to the Club. I wish her the very best for the coming years !

Ken Shin Kai Karate Club

Ken Shin Kai Dojo (school) July 2009

I have been a member of Ken Shin Kai Karate dojo since 2002, or roughly 7 years. The sensei is Mr. Chia Kwek Fah,7th Dan Shitoryu karate instructor who trained under the legendary Shitoryu master Mabuni from Japan. Mr. Chia's experience in the sport this martial art in particular spans more than 40 years.His life experiences can be accessed online at Mr. Chia is also a certified sports fitness coach from Australia as well as an accomplished artist in Chinese caligraphy and photographer.

Ken Shin Kai has been in existence for 12 years. Since its humble beginnings, it has grown to almost 100 members in Singapore, but over the past few years has shrunk to approximately 40 members. Its base is at the Tanglin Community Club in Whitley Road. Our most accomplished karate-ka is Esther Tan, who has done our club proud by winning gold medals in recent inter-country club competitions in kumite (free sparring) and kata. Only 20 years old, she is very enthusiastic about her training,combining weight training with endurance runs and of course our weekly training sessions.

Shiko dachi (horse-riding stance) with gedan barai (low downward block)

Recently during the Annual General Meeting, the committee voted in Mr. Roland Teo, an experienced multi-disciplinary martial artist, who holds a second dan in Akhido, and a 1st dan in Shitoryu karate as its President. We have high hopes that with the new Executive-Committee, of whom I am part of, we will be able to galvanise our members and raise the awareness of this centuries old martial art as a means to acquire grace,flexibility,endurance as well as a very efficient way to protect oneself from attackers.Karate promotes fitness, toughness,grace and agility all at the same time.

Karate is not only a martial art, but also a way of life. Through my many years of association with this art, I have discovered that it is ultimately (as Bruce Lee so eloquently put it) "the highest form of self expression". Its objective is not to destroy or decimate but to express oneself through positive actions and poses.Through karate, I have higher self-esteem, better self discipline, confidence and a well toned body.

Roland Teo doing the Ina Shi Gi or Movement Drill

I have set myself a personal objective to increase membership by 2 times, in total, to try to enlist and motivate about 20 individuals of all creed, ages and sex to join. It will be a major challenge but it is a worthy one.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All Singaporean

Sim Wong Hoo

This blog entry is to highlight the fact that even in this worldwide economic downturn, which has been described by economists as the worst wold recession in 70+ years, Singapore has quietly gone about to attract the top talent be they in the entertainment,film,money or whatever industries from all over the world. The first I like to highligh is Sim Wong Hoo, who is a Singapore citizen by birth. He started a small company with BIG, HAIRY AND AMBITIOUS GOALS OR BHAG. By his choice alone, he went to the USA in the late 1980s to mass produce and sell the Creative Sound Blaster which became a household name the world over. With the money from the Initial Public Offering, and a subsequent listing on the NASDAQ or second stock exchange board in the USA, he is worth easily US$ 500 to 1 Billion.

With all this money, he could have made his home anywhere in Europe, USA or even in China but he chose to live in Singapore.A true blue Singaporean and proud of his country.

Jim Rogers

The partner of Quantum Fund headed by George Soros, Jim Rogers, decided to make Singapore his home 5 years ago. He studied the worldwide trends and decided that the 21st century would 'belong to China'. Rather than live in China, he decided to base himself and his entire family in Singapore where it is very liveable, providing his 2 girls with ample opportunity to speak Mandarin. He and his wife are offering there services to the prestigious Nanyang Primary School, an elite primary school in Bukit Timah area in the hope of getting his girls entry into a (get this) Government school in Singapore. This man is worth easily hundreds or millions of dollars and can well afford to pay for his daughters to study Chinese by private tutor or attend the Chinese International School. It speaks volumes about the Singapore school system which by any international measure, among the best in the world.

Mr. Rogers himself has started several hedge funds based out of Singapore.

Jet Li

This kung fu action star had a 'defining moment' during the 2004 tsunami, he was with his family in Maldives, in an exclusive resort, when the tsunami struck. He rushed his family back to the hotel and as the waters were getting higher and higher, he thought to himself. I am a well known person who can get things done by just a phone call, and I am only concerned about making movies and money ? God does not recognise any of this. He is non-discriminating. In the end everyone, rich, poor,powerful or pwoerless, dies.

He decided there and then to devote his life to the less privileged and set up over the course of the next years, The One Foundation. It is based in Singapore, it donates and creates opportunities to the disadvantaged and less fortunate. Jet Li himself has stopped acting entirely to devote himself to his charity.

He recently became a Singapore citizen.

Gong Li

The most famous and popular actress in China (till recently) Gong Li, married cigarette magnate, Mr. Ooi. She became a Singaporean in 2008.

In this globalised world, competitve advantage of nations lies in any nation's ability to attract the best and the brightest talents to their shores which will ultimately improve the overall opportunities of all its people. Singapore, with its open door immigration policy to qualified people, low personal income and corporate tax rates, cleanliness,transparency of an honest Government, liveability and overall quality of life is showing the world that being small is not a disadvantage, having no natural resources is also not a disadvantage, but the collective abilities and will of its people and the ever raising of its standards will ultimately be the winning formula. I AM SURE OF IT.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thanks friends

May, Alex and Zucsa

The 4 days in Hungary zipped by and it was time for us to go, we had the loveliest of times, although I caught a bad cold on day 2 and had my voice changed to hoarse and was spewing phlegm in the mornings (and various times of day !). Little did I know that this bug took me almost 3 weeks to kick - thankfully it was not the Influenza A H1N1 which is spreading like wildfire the world over. As I write this, I have fully recovered and am training for a year end marathon.

Looks like Capsicum - Paprika

On the last day, Alex brought us to the main market in Budapest where we bought some souvenirs like T shirts, and it is the same the world over ; a market is still a market selling fresh produce like vegetables,meat,fish and of course the Paprika, which can be eaten like a salad or dried like sundried tomatoes and served as part of the goulash soup.

Ripe Paprika sold at the Market

Our memories of Hungary will always be tinged with the fine hospitality shown to us by Tibor and Tunde as well as Alex and Zucsa, who took time off from their busy work schedules to show us around. We are most grateful for that.

Tibor, Tunde and May at Buda Castle

Friends, lets meet again sometime soon, in Europe, Asia wherever and in parting, "Egeszsegedre !" - Cheers !

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Balaton Arts and Craft

Lovely Flowers in Summer

Pottery all going for a song

Outside the Pottery House

Buy your Paprika and make your own Goulash soup

Balaton Lake with Alex and Zusa

Alex, dining on cake and coffee

During our final 2 days in Hungary, Alex Draculis and his wife Zuscsa, came to meet with us at Balaton.He and I met about 3 years ago in Germany and our meetings have been always very enjoyable.He is originally from Slovenia as is his wife. They live in Budapest city and he was formerly an advertising creative director in Slovenia till about 3 years ago.

Lovely House with Reed Roof

We went around the lake, and stopped to buy some souvenirs from the shops. We realised that pottery, porcelain and paprika are like the national handicrafts of Hungary and Lake Balaton is a very popular destination for tourists who would nornally come in summer from Austria (Vienna is 2 hours dirve away), Germany,Russia and the UK. The lakeside houses look lovely with their reed roofs and white facades leading one to think of a fairy tale type of town.We had stayed the night in Kesthely and discovered that it was very quiet in the evenings, almost like a ghost town and we could practically hear our footsteps !

Pottery House overlooking Lake Balaton

The summer months where the tourists do come are normally in July and August so when we visited, it was presummer. It however, did stike me that very few Asian tourists visit Hungary which is a pity as it is very beautiful in Budapest and in the Lake districts.

Pretty Loo

We left Balaton with lots of good memories, good food and great company.

Balaton Lake - Holiday Area

Blue sky and a 19 footer leisure craft ; pleasures of the rich

Hungary is a landlocked country, there is no access to the sea. Thus it is quite apt the Balaton Lake is known as the "Hungarian Sea". The Zala and Sio rivers provide the main inflows to this huge lake measuring 77km at its length and 14 km at its width.The depth of the lake averages at 3.2 m or 10 feet (not very deep) and the maximum depth is 12.2 m or about 40 feet deep. It is 104 m above sea level and the Slavic name "Blato" means "mud" or muddy lake.

Beautiful scenery and a lovely smile

We stayed in one of the many resort towns by this huge lake, called Keszthely and the weather at this time of year is very comfortable. When we arrived at the lakeside, we ventured up to view a church and the many shops selling pottery, lavender leaves with wonderful smells and porcelain.

After a hearty Ostrich lunch

Tibor and Tunde were great hosts and we have had a truly enjoyable time with the Csombordis. The 2 full days they spent bringing us around Budapest and Balaton will forever be in our collective memories of Hungary.

House overlooking Balaton lake

We hope we can all meet again sometime in either Singapore or in Europe in the near future. Many Thanks to Tunde and Tibor !

Labyrinths of Buda Castle and Europe's second oldest Subway

Preshitoric Bison Drawing

Underneath the Buda castle compounds lies an amazing complex of underground tunnels called labyrinths. According to the brochures, the labyrinths of Buda castle stretch for up to 200 km and some sections are still yet to be back to prehistoric times, there were actually prehistoric drawings of bisons and people hunting for food. We initially took all of this information in like primary school children learning to read and write.

Stairway to What ?

Tibor has his doubts about the age of the labyrinths and guesses that they are at most 300 years old. During our walk into the labyrinth, there was this musty smell of dampness and there was this eerie piped in music of tribal drums which leant an air of mystery and fear.I was quite startled to find that around several pitch black corners were some steps leading to some kind of pagan structure. See picture above.

Half statue (of Saint Istvan) in the Labyrinth !

There was an young American tourist group behind us and they too were scared out of their wits, not knowing what kind of beings or structures lay beneath the Buda castle. Again, Tibor put the whole thing into perspective,stating that Hungarian history had no mention of labyrinths although I would think that they would form an effective form of escape if there was an uprising by the general population !

Midway through our walk, we came across what seemed to be a statue whose head was half submerged into the ground. It was in a sealed off section and one could not help thinking at perhaps there was something sinister about the labyrinths.It came to a head, (pun intended) when we all arrived at underground fountain spouting of all things, spoilt wine from a gargoyle's head.

Stone Sentry Guarding part of the Labyrinth

We finally realised that the marketing department of this attraction had put in all of these statues and creatures to spice up what would have otherwise been a boring walk in damp underground tunnels. The joke dawned upon us when the display plate on an underground feature stated that they had found what appeared to be a footprint, obeviously of a Nike Air Max and the statement had stated affirmatively that "this footprint was obviously not from a human being" !! All of the statues were actually fakes !

Underground Station in Budapest

The underground subway at Budapest was real enough though. It was the second oldest in Europe to be built after Moscow's Subway and is still in use, although tourists who don't understand Hungarian would be lost as all the signs are in Hungarian. Very fast an efficient, it was built during the Soviet occupation of Hungary during the 70s.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pictures from the Royal Castle at Buda

May and Me on the hill overlooking Pesc

After Saint Stephen's church, we parked in downtown Budapest and walked across the bridge to the Buda (hill) side of Budapest. Budapest was named after the 2towns Buda (on the hill) and Pesc and thus the name Budapest was formed.The first king, Stephen obviously occupied the castle overlooking the Pesc side and with the river as a natural deterrent, probably had a drawbridge or nothing at all, (they may have had to use boats to transport materials etc.) and this kept him away from the peasants. This has always been the hallmark of the rich, who create bastions like castles high above the town so that they can observe all that goes around the town and not be bothered by the commoners.

Szechenyi Chain Bridge linking Buda Castle with Parliament House

With a population of just 10 milion, Hungary has several well known figures worldwide, most famous in recent times is George Soros, head of the Quantum Fund which made billions of dollars during the 80s - late 90s in hedge funds.His partner, Jim Rogers, an American is a permanent resident in Singapore together with his family, and amazingly, Rogers has insisted on his 2 daughters on learning Mandarin, stating that Chinese language will be THE dominant language of the 21st century.

Several other famous names are Rubik, of Rubik's cube fame as well as the Hungarian Water Polo team which has won Gold in every Olympics since 1956, an amazing feat when you consider that Hungary has no border to any sea, and everyone learns to swim in the pool or public bath. Hungary is also famous for their Paprika, a chilli like vegetable, similar to the capsicum but far hotter !

Famous Hungarian Porcelain

On day 2, we drove to the famous Hungarian porcelain factory near Balaton and witnessed some of the most beautiful and expensive porcelain pieces. Costing anything from EUR 100 to hundreds of thousands of EURO, Hungarian porcelain has been renowned throuout Europe for its intricacy and colourfulness.There were entire tea sets made for the Royal Families of England, Holland and Belgium to name a few.

The porcelain process is similar to clay whereby the cups,saucers or teasets are first moulded by hand and then placed into an oven to set, after setting, the painting and the lacquering are ovelaid before the final product is ready.

Budapest and St Stephen's Church

St Istvan (Stephen) Church in Budapest, Hungary

After the wonderful breakfast at Tibor's we proceeded downtown to visit the oldest and largest church in Hungary, the Saint Stephen's Church. It was built in the 1500hrs in honour of the first king of Hungary, St Istvan, who was later made into a Saint.

Beautiful stained glass icons

Though not as large as the Notre Dame, it is nonetheless a magnificent place of worship in a country which was predominantly non religious for 54 years under the Soviet occupation (from 1945 until 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down). Interestingly enough, Hungary actually supported the Nazi regime during the Second World War, as part of the Axis powers which my friend Tibor said was a 'mistake'. There are signs of the Communist rule in many parts of the city with statues and
monuments dedicated to the Soviet cause.

The preserved right hand of Saint Istvan

The hand of St Istvan was preserved somehow and till today, one can view the shrunken hand in a humidity controlled cabinet in the church.Hungarians are ethnically unicultural and there is only a very small population of non Hungarian people, the Han Chinese who typically keep to their small community in Budapest. They normally run Chinese restaurants and laundry shops as is their inclination the whole world over.

"I am the Truth and the Life" - from John 14 : 6 in the Bible

We were fascinated that Christian beliefs were widespread throughout Europe, making it all the way to Russia though we were not sure how many of the Hungarian population practised Christianity or any religion.I made a mental note to as Tibor the next time we meet in either Germany or China.

Tibor and Tunde outside St Istvan's (Stephen) Church

Budapest is not very builtup as in many other European major cities, like Paris or London.As the capital of Hungary, it is not very populated with a population of 1.7 million, down from a peak of 2.1 million in the late 1980s.Greater Budapest covers 525 square kilometers and is home to 3.2 million people.

Budapest was originally 2 towns one called Buda and one called Pest and became a single city occupying both sides of the Danube river after a unification of the right bank Buda and Obuda with left bank Pest.Regarded as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe its extensive World heritage Sites include the Danube banks, Buda castle quarter, Andrassy Avenue, Heroes Square and the Millenium Underground Railway, the second oldest in Europe.

It is a city with beautiful charm and disposition which we hope we can visit again another time.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Budapest Day 1 ; at Tibor's house for breakfast

May,Tibor and Tunde

Tibor Csombordi, the business owner of Amtest in Hungary, invited May and I to visit Budapest for a few days for some sightseeing and dining which we readily accepted. His wife, Tunde and him live in the suburbs of Budapest. The house is a bungalow in a quiet neighbourhood. One the first morning after our arrival,it was drizzling slightly but we had the most glorious breakfast in a long while made by Tunde.

Photo shows bread baked at home, with ripe strawberries,cherries and raspberries all grown in their garden naturally, without any growth hormones or fertilisers.

The best thing about the breakfast was everything was natural or organically grown, without any pesticices,artificial fertilisers.It was the sweetest raspberries I had ever tasted, same went for the strawberries. We deduced that the fruits found in Singapore are normally shipped before they are ripe and thus are not as sweet.

The scones were made themselves by their breadmaker(reminding myself to get one such breadmaker one day!). The complete spread included ham, cheese, scones, cherries,raspberries, strawberries and the home brewed coffee.

Nice !

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Eiffel Tower

View from the base of the Eiffel

Built in 1887 to 1889 as the entrance of the World Exposition, the Eiffel Tower has become the icon of France. Visited by a staggering 200 million people since it was built, each year sees an average of over 6 million visitors alone. Imagine the amount of tourism revenue generated,hotel rooms booked, croissants, baguettes,air fares,train rides,and lots and lots of wine drunk just due to Eiffel alone. The Eiffel Tower is an engineering marvel which was once the tallest structure in the world. Its height at the roof is 300 m (986 ft) and at the antennae top it is 324 m or 1063 feet. It was intended after the Expo to be used as a communications tower and after 1920, it was returned to the city of Paris.

From 1889 to 1930, it was the world's tallest building until the Chrysler Building in New York beat it when it was built, reaching a height of 319 m or 1047 feet.

View from the Champs de Mars

Designed and built by the engineer Gustave Eiffel, and his team, it took 300 workers almost 3 years to finish. Using puddled iron, it weighs 7300 tons of iron and its total weight including the non metallic base structure and foundation is only 10000 tons - very lightwieght. He was very careful in his design taking into consideration wind resistance and wind shear. On a hot day, it expands by 18 cm away from the heat of the Sun. Also, it sways about 6 - 7 cm daily due to wind force.

Underneath the Eiffel Tower

Gustave Eiffel's creation was met with alot of criticism with many calling it an 'eyesore'. However, his brilliance as a designer and an engineer saw his product stand the test of time and is today the one of the most recognisable structures in the world. He used a non-linear differential equation when designing the structure based on counter - balancing the wind pressure with the tension between the construction elements at the point. A most recent engineering study showed that in fact, there were 2 non-linear equations being applied to the tower, one for the base till the lower structure and one for the upper structure.

Sheer brilliance.

Paris June 18 - 21 2009 Pictures

Eiffel Tower taken along the Champ de Mars 

Church of the Sacred Heart (Sacre Cre)

Statue outside the Ecole Militaire (Military School)

May at the open air market near the Notre Dame

Me on the Alexandre Bridge across the river Seine

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...