Friday, July 31, 2009

Air Asia - Success Story in the Making

Now Everyone Can Fly

Air Asia is the upstart company headed by ex-music industry executive Tony fernandez. Formed in 2002, its business model was initially greeted with scepticism and people said, "Oh its not safe, they use old planes, the low cost terminal is not convenient" and other excuses.

Come 2009 and even I am now a convert, I took the first low cost flight to K.L. return and it cost me only S$ 114; I made the final booking about 3 days beforehand. Boarding passes are just printouts,the checkin counters to KL and Bangkok are usually very fast moving, and the check-in staff very friendly.

Refurbished Airbuses A 320 for Air Asia

My reservations were that Air Asia were compromising on safety by using old planes and inexperienced pilots, but all these were wiped away when I took my first flight to KL. The plane looks to be about 15 years old but refurbished interior and was able to carry about 240 passengers,about 6 per aisle, 3 on each side. The cabin crew and stewardesses were very friendly and ever smiling and the experience I had was as good as SIA's which says alot about Air Asia.

Departing flights from Changi Terminal 1

Air Asia departs from Changi's Terminal 1, where we use the aerobridge.On arrival in K.L., we disembark at the Low Cost carrier Terminal LCCT in Sepang,about 10 minutes drive from KLIA. The only downside is that you have to walk down the airramp steps as used in the past by airlines onto the tarmac, and walk through the long walk-way to the Terminal, typically about 10 minutes or less.It is a good idea that this mode of disembarking allows both the front and rear exits of the plane to be used, thus ensuring a speedy getting off.

Passengers alighting from the plane at the Low Cost Carrier Terminal in Kuala Lumpur

The plane cruises at 23,000 feet, therby using more fuel and taking about 10 minutes longer than if it were SIA or MAS.However, this time lag is not notiecable for such a short trip and everything else of this trip was first class.
I intend to use Air Asia again. The airline recently voted by Sky Trax Magazine as the Best Low Cost Carrier in the World for 2008.

SIA, the challenge has been thrown down. In these uncertain economic times, business people and travellers are scaling down on travel costs and low costs carriers still get the job done. You have been warned !!

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