Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thanks friends

May, Alex and Zucsa

The 4 days in Hungary zipped by and it was time for us to go, we had the loveliest of times, although I caught a bad cold on day 2 and had my voice changed to hoarse and was spewing phlegm in the mornings (and various times of day !). Little did I know that this bug took me almost 3 weeks to kick - thankfully it was not the Influenza A H1N1 which is spreading like wildfire the world over. As I write this, I have fully recovered and am training for a year end marathon.

Looks like Capsicum - Paprika

On the last day, Alex brought us to the main market in Budapest where we bought some souvenirs like T shirts, and it is the same the world over ; a market is still a market selling fresh produce like vegetables,meat,fish and of course the Paprika, which can be eaten like a salad or dried like sundried tomatoes and served as part of the goulash soup.

Ripe Paprika sold at the Market

Our memories of Hungary will always be tinged with the fine hospitality shown to us by Tibor and Tunde as well as Alex and Zucsa, who took time off from their busy work schedules to show us around. We are most grateful for that.

Tibor, Tunde and May at Buda Castle

Friends, lets meet again sometime soon, in Europe, Asia wherever and in parting, "Egeszsegedre !" - Cheers !

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