Ken Shin Kai Dojo (school) July 2009
I have been a member of Ken Shin Kai Karate dojo since 2002, or roughly 7 years. The sensei is Mr. Chia Kwek Fah,7th Dan Shitoryu karate instructor who trained under the legendary Shitoryu master Mabuni from Japan. Mr. Chia's experience in the sport this martial art in particular spans more than 40 years.His life experiences can be accessed online at Mr. Chia is also a certified sports fitness coach from Australia as well as an accomplished artist in Chinese caligraphy and photographer.
Ken Shin Kai has been in existence for 12 years. Since its humble beginnings, it has grown to almost 100 members in Singapore, but over the past few years has shrunk to approximately 40 members. Its base is at the Tanglin Community Club in Whitley Road. Our most accomplished karate-ka is Esther Tan, who has done our club proud by winning gold medals in recent inter-country club competitions in kumite (free sparring) and kata. Only 20 years old, she is very enthusiastic about her training,combining weight training with endurance runs and of course our weekly training sessions.
Shiko dachi (horse-riding stance) with gedan barai (low downward block)
Recently during the Annual General Meeting, the committee voted in Mr. Roland Teo, an experienced multi-disciplinary martial artist, who holds a second dan in Akhido, and a 1st dan in Shitoryu karate as its President. We have high hopes that with the new Executive-Committee, of whom I am part of, we will be able to galvanise our members and raise the awareness of this centuries old martial art as a means to acquire grace,flexibility,endurance as well as a very efficient way to protect oneself from attackers.Karate promotes fitness, toughness,grace and agility all at the same time.
Karate is not only a martial art, but also a way of life. Through my many years of association with this art, I have discovered that it is ultimately (as Bruce Lee so eloquently put it) "the highest form of self expression". Its objective is not to destroy or decimate but to express oneself through positive actions and poses.Through karate, I have higher self-esteem, better self discipline, confidence and a well toned body.
Roland Teo doing the Ina Shi Gi or Movement Drill
I have set myself a personal objective to increase membership by 2 times, in total, to try to enlist and motivate about 20 individuals of all creed, ages and sex to join. It will be a major challenge but it is a worthy one.
Looking forward to the 20 new members, thanks for your support!
Still working at it Roland !
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