Sim Wong Hoo
This blog entry is to highlight the fact that even in this worldwide economic downturn, which has been described by economists as the worst wold recession in 70+ years, Singapore has quietly gone about to attract the top talent be they in the entertainment,film,money or whatever industries from all over the world. The first I like to highligh is Sim Wong Hoo, who is a Singapore citizen by birth. He started a small company with BIG, HAIRY AND AMBITIOUS GOALS OR BHAG. By his choice alone, he went to the USA in the late 1980s to mass produce and sell the Creative Sound Blaster which became a household name the world over. With the money from the Initial Public Offering, and a subsequent listing on the NASDAQ or second stock exchange board in the USA, he is worth easily US$ 500 to 1 Billion.
With all this money, he could have made his home anywhere in Europe, USA or even in China but he chose to live in Singapore.A true blue Singaporean and proud of his country.

Jim Rogers
The partner of Quantum Fund headed by George Soros, Jim Rogers, decided to make Singapore his home 5 years ago. He studied the worldwide trends and decided that the 21st century would 'belong to China'. Rather than live in China, he decided to base himself and his entire family in Singapore where it is very liveable, providing his 2 girls with ample opportunity to speak Mandarin. He and his wife are offering there services to the prestigious Nanyang Primary School, an elite primary school in Bukit Timah area in the hope of getting his girls entry into a (get this) Government school in Singapore. This man is worth easily hundreds or millions of dollars and can well afford to pay for his daughters to study Chinese by private tutor or attend the Chinese International School. It speaks volumes about the Singapore school system which by any international measure, among the best in the world.
Mr. Rogers himself has started several hedge funds based out of Singapore.

Jet Li
This kung fu action star had a 'defining moment' during the 2004 tsunami, he was with his family in Maldives, in an exclusive resort, when the tsunami struck. He rushed his family back to the hotel and as the waters were getting higher and higher, he thought to himself. I am a well known person who can get things done by just a phone call, and I am only concerned about making movies and money ? God does not recognise any of this. He is non-discriminating. In the end everyone, rich, poor,powerful or pwoerless, dies.
He decided there and then to devote his life to the less privileged and set up over the course of the next years, The One Foundation. It is based in Singapore, it donates and creates opportunities to the disadvantaged and less fortunate. Jet Li himself has stopped acting entirely to devote himself to his charity.
He recently became a Singapore citizen.

Gong Li
The most famous and popular actress in China (till recently) Gong Li, married cigarette magnate, Mr. Ooi. She became a Singaporean in 2008.
In this globalised world, competitve advantage of nations lies in any nation's ability to attract the best and the brightest talents to their shores which will ultimately improve the overall opportunities of all its people. Singapore, with its open door immigration policy to qualified people, low personal income and corporate tax rates, cleanliness,transparency of an honest Government, liveability and overall quality of life is showing the world that being small is not a disadvantage, having no natural resources is also not a disadvantage, but the collective abilities and will of its people and the ever raising of its standards will ultimately be the winning formula. I AM SURE OF IT.
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