Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Michael Schumacher - True Champion

7 times F1 winner Michael Schumacher

I applaud Michael Schumacher's decision not to contest this year's F1 although he is the tehcnical director at Ferrari. He has won the championship a total of 7 times and frankly had nothing else to prove. The fact that he agreed to comeback at age 40 in place of the injured Felipe Massa speaks volumes of his character and willingness to be a team player.

Unfortunately due to an injury during a motorcylce race, he decided not to race.
True champions have nothing else to prove, if they come back when they are past their prime,they are only proving that though their bodies have had enough of the glory and its time to call it a day, their egos or their wallets have not.


Kannan said...

First of all he is not the technical director of Ferrari,michael is the technical advisor for both drivers Kimi and Massa.The main reason that he wants to replace Massa is not to prove himself.Everyone in the world knows he is a true 7 times champion but Ferrari as a team is very intelligent.The main reason Michael wants to race in the final 7 races is to gather enough information and datas from the F1 car in order to improved aerodynamics and the new KERS system(Kinetic Energy Recovery System - which add 90HP when you push a button,like a turbo boost)Michael is the best bet to have him test the F1 car which he has done it years and years to improve in every races he is competing. He is very good in assesing the car while he is driving and this is the best opportunity for him to help the whole team to win next year F1 calendar with his expertise and knowledge providing the team important information of the car but due to his neck and back injury he is wise enough to withdraw and Luca,the test driver for Ferrari will take over.Good luck to Luca and the whole Ferrari team!

Seize the Day said...

Kannan, You are the 1% true fan. I just watch (when i have the time which is not much) it for the vroom factor,some crashes and the Grid Girls ! Like 99% of the others.

Kannan said...

Hi Mark, that will be the beginning of the 99%, than the 1% will come after that,hehe.Have a good weekend and good luck on your half marathon.

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