Thursday, August 27, 2009

Running Pictures - Past Marathons

2002 SC Half Marathon

This one got me hooked on the sport, I had trained almost 1 year to be able to run this half marathon and after the finish (I recall it was somewhere in the east Coast Park) I was interviewed by Japanese Film Crew for some Visit Singapore Tourist Show. The cameraman was taken by my medal and the interver, a lady asked me how I felt. I said " Good, and next year (2003) I will run the Full Marathon.

In 2003, I did run the Full Marathon in the Penang Bridge Run in a time of 5 hours 16 minutes.

2005 Army Half Marathon

2005 SC Full Marathon ; about 500 m left to go.

This marathon was full of drama for me, firstly I hit cramps on my left calf leg as early as the 23km mark and hobbled from then on. Around the 30km mark, my right leg calf succummed to cramps and it was then enduring the torture till the finish. To make matters worse,it was an extremely hot day and I doused myself with alot of water so much so I was drenched in water from head to toe. My shoes were squishy due to the soaking and I was determined to break the 5 hour mark.

Near the end, 100m or so I hit the final stretch when the massive cramp pulled my entire hamstring in frontof a few thousand spectators. I fell flat on my front, drew all reserves of remaining energy left, another runner helped me up - AND THEN HE LEFT ME - so I fell down again, consumed by tiredness. All around me were people screaming and the announcer was yelling my bib number 1874 and wanting to inteview me.

The last 50m, I was aided over the finish line by a medic, and I made it with 1 minute to spare. I sat staring into space for almost 45 minutes in the finishers tent too consumed by the events that happened and regained my energy to get up and take the taxi home.

Talk about a dramatic finish, this is it !

2004 Half Marathon at 19 km 500 m. 500 m left to go

I finished this is 2 hours and 30 seconds flat, safe to say this is my Personal Best time to date. I had lost a total of almost 5 kg leading up to this run and weighed in at a very healthy 67kg. My lowest in 20 years !

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