Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 - Resolutions

         Many people who set resolutions or goals each coming year do so in an attempt to better oneself. I have been doing so since 2002 when I took up running seriously and it has enriched my life in many ways.
         By setting goals, I am forcing myself to make sacrifices to improve on certain aspects of my life, but the trick in setting goals is this ; set them too high or too vague and you will break it or not achieve it very quickly and come down to earth. Setting it too low, and you will feel that you have not really achieved anything. So the main essence of setting resolutions are :

1. Set real, achievable goals within this year 2011. 

2. Break them down into personal, family, business and financial

3. DO NOT set vague goals such as "I want to lose weight" this year. Set measurable goals 
    such as "I want to lose 3,4 or 5 kg" this year and with that goal in mind, then break it down 
   further into current weight, monthly reduction (say 1/2 kg), quarterly reduction (1 kg) and 
   yearly  reduction (4 kg).

   Coupled with the goal of, say, losing 4 kg in 1 year, you should then make real plans to lose 
   that 4 kg. For me, it would be a combination and reinforcement every meal to eat 1/2 a 
   bowl or rice when previously it was 1 bowl.

   Then, I would start a walk/run program for 4 to 5 times a week each alternate day, no 
   excuses. Starting with1/2 hour walk, each day to slowly making it to 1/2 hour run and   
   increasing the run time and distance time slowly bit by bit. 

   Do a run log and write how your run went. What was the weather like and were you  
   struggling or pleased with the run after you finished it ? Find a partner to motivate you and 
   you have no excuses not to wake up early to go for that run. 

4. Set up these  realistic goals and review them every week, fortnight and month and so on.

5. Give yourself a small reward once you hit the small goals. Go and have a pizza once you 
    have lost say 2 kg. Stay off alcohol and binge parties. They do you no good. !! 

6. Surround yourself with people who will motivate you or like minded people. If you want to 
    quit smoking, do not hang out so much with your smoker friends and try to go to the gym or 
    sports center and make new friends there.

7. Convince yourself by finding role models who have successfully achieved the goal of 
    losing 5kg or quit smoking and ask them for reassurance or moral support.

8. Can you 'backslide', well that depends on the circumstance, for sure, it is never easy to quit   
    smoking and then BANG, once Chinese New Year or a stressful period comes, you hit the   
    packs again.

9. Find another activity to do - instead of snacking, or smoking go and read a book or go for a 
    run -  this replaces your focus point with another activity ; convince yourself that the new 
    activity is much better and REINFORCE that belief.

     Since I lost weight by running, I have looked better, am more healthy, suffer less gastric problems and made many more new friends through running groups, marathons and also like minded colleagues. So, I can say that my resolution to start running and lose 5 kg around 10 years ago has reaped benefits. 

     Go for it friends.  Have  a Great 2011 !! 

1 comment:

Hi5 said...

Thanks for the informative. Fantastic blog. Congratulations!!!

St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

  A clear cloudless  blue sky ; pristine winter weather of 18  C,                 a spread of the best French veal and place There is a time...