Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Apple Computer got its Name


        Currently I am reading this firework of a book, based on the late Steve Jobs' life. He was an adopted child of hard working American German migrants who lived in Pittsburgh. His father was Palestinian and mother Irish American, but their family objected vehemently to the union.

        I was amused and fascinated how he decided on the name Apple Computer, it is an Oxymoron type of name as apple is related obliquely to rural country America (American Apple Pie) and Computer (in the 70s) is related to high technology.

        It stemmed from the fact that Steve in his late teens was fascinated with Eastern (Zen Buddhism) religiousity and was making trips to India to seek his meaning in life, as well as find a guru. After a 9 month soul seeking trip, he came back, dressed in saffron clothes, like an Indian holy man, as well as did not bathe often, and had straggly unkempt hair, just like a hippe child from the 70s.

      He was perpetually trying out vegan diets and the one which stuck on him was a fruitarian diet consisting mainly of apples. So when the time came for him and his partner Steve Wozniack to choose a name, he decided on Apple Computer.

      Funny how things turned out so fabulously for the company.   

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