Friday, September 20, 2013

Reality Distortion

       Steve Jobs was a masterful manipulator, he was a genius in assessing a person's character, his strengths, weaknesses fears and dreams and he then was able to cajole, bully, coax,steal and even evangelise his co-workers to produce a computer based on what his exacting standards were, he chopped and changed, stole people's ideas and made it his own, pushed, fought, bullied, screamed, was screamed at and changed specifications ever so often. He asked for the impossible  many times, and his colleagues were transfigurated into some sleepless, mindnumbing work zombies creating the best and newest product which would change the world, the Macintosh.

        Once the final product was done after countless battles within the organisation, and revamps, thousands of rewrites, challenges, arguments, people leaving over personality clashes and almost 4 years of development ,the MacIntosh was born in 1984. He got the entire 43 technicians,, software engineers and engineers to sign a template for the creation of an an art piece. All of them hewere so moved they admitted that during the signing ceremony, they had indeed created something for the good of humanity.

       Jobs was so good at hypnotising or motivating the team, that most people achieved the impossible tasks with superhuman effort. Those who saw through the act called it his ability to 'distort reality' or the 'distortion reality phase'.  I  believe that at each new Computer Show in Palo Alto with each new Apple product launch, he uses the same techniques to mass hypnotise his audience through the sheer aura of his presentation.

      Such is the power of  his Reality Distortion.


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