Sunday, March 12, 2017

Pressing on with all my Might - Who I Am

50 metres to go can seem like a mile when you are near the end of the race 

      Today, the 12th of March I would like to pause and reflect on things as they are now. To take stock every few years is so important for me. I am grateful for the many blessings my parents have showered upon me since I was born, and it is only after decades later you become apparent that the guidance, vision, values and care given to you during the early years, can manifestly lead you to where you are in your life. Ever so often, during my younger days took things for granted and said well, it was due to my a) effort, b) luck c) abilities d) timing and lots of other things. The reality is that you are being prepared for the day when you are on your own, running your own life - through the efforts of many people, most importantly your parents, grandparents, your teachers, friends and religious / social organizations. Fittingly,  a great part of who you are is bestowed by your parents through genes, nutrition, education, and the impartation of values from young which will put you in good stead to face the challenges and vissicitudes of life. I list some of the most important ones : 

a) Honesty
b) Giving your all
c) Perserverance
d) Fillial Peity - respect for elders
e) Respect for authority
f) Generosity (when necessary)
g) Thrift (when necessary)
i) Save more than you earn
j) Trust (first in yourself then others)
k) Positive Attitude 

     Another big influencer in shaping my life is : The school of life. The School of Life is imparted differently to every individual. Each one has a different view of the world based on what he has experienced. Of course some will emerge bitter, some will feel shortchanged, some will be satisfied. Joy and happiness are emotions which will come and go, inebriatedness by alcohol is not really true happiness (my drinking bros will vehemently disagree !), so each of us needs to find that sweet spot, that perfect balance of Who You Are. Not trying to be Who my friends, family or Significant Other wants me to be. 

       Life with its Ups and Downs, will mould us, some for the better, some for the worse. Our lot, or Fate well that again is not for us to judge, if there is one.

    Do what you think is right, impart a legacy to your next of kin. Leave an indelible mark on the next generation. If you can widen your influence to bigger circles, great. if not, just do what is within your means. Of course, if you are struggling with issues of the day, that is always a conflict of the mind to set aside the daily troubles and getting to finishing the Big Picture (be it in a religious context or not - many of us want to do God's work).

    There was this story I am always reminded. This man, lets call him Jack, was walking by the seashore. It was lowtide and all along the beach, there were hundreds, no maybe, thousands of starfish stranded in the fast receding tide. There was a boy, who was furiously picking up one starfish and throwing it far into the sea. Jack walked over, and said to the boy. "Hey son, what are you doing". He replied " I'm saving them.. they will die in no time before long".

    Jack then said : "Son, its impossible, look there are literally thousands of starfish ! Why bother ? Its too difficult ! What you are doing will take too long... it will not make a difference ! "

   The Boy, without pausing from his task, " Sir, see this one in my hand ?.... " and then he threw it with all his might said :

 " I made a difference to this One !" 


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