Monday, March 6, 2017

Renewed Marketing Strategy

With Mr. Maru in 1990 

1. New Evolved Model ; from Trading to System Integration to Manufacturing

   After 2 really tough years of managing the business and trying to re-invent ourselves, I am satisfied to say that we have finally evolved into a new business model with 4 new pillars to stand upon. The first one is this. Singapore's manufacturing especially in the semiconductor and electronics sector has seen massive changes with companies going from purchases of sizeable CAPEX (capital expenditure) to near zero. Even if they do purchase, they want new committments to warranties such as 4 or 5 years, very fast turnaround times, and finally value for money equipment. Hence the focus on equipment made from the cheapest and highest quality (this is in my opinion, 2 mutually exclusive requirements).

   I have bitten the bullet and decided that, heck, we will go into system integration and ultimately manufacturing of selective equipment, where margins are high enough to sustain us. So its low volume  - high mix strategy.  

2. New Markets  ; from S.E. Asia to International

    Once, where we were content to sell to S.E. Asia, demands have pushed us to the International arena, so we have orders from as far as North Asia, Australsia, S.E. Asia and Middle East.

3. New Supporting Infrastructure ; From Local Server to Cloud ; from fixed to mobile computing ; from sitting down in front of the desk to working on the fly, at different time zones and even workdays. 

    We are doing things in different ways, using cloud server where land line server used to suffice. Moving with the times, let us use technology to empower us 

4. New Industry of Customers ; From Electronics Manufacturing to ......... 

    As this is a public blog, there are many people who will be reading this, not least the competitors in my industry. I can safely say that the future businesses will be sustainable for the visionary people who spot niches early and capitalise on them. Pushing the followers along will be the biggest challenge of my business life and unless we adapt to these 4 pillars quickly and manage the interim issues that naturally come along with it, we will be finished.

  I am quietly confident we will succeed. 

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