Sunday, May 14, 2017

Remembering My Wonderful Mum Anna 1930 - 2011 ; Happy Mother's Day !

Mum in her cheongsam, or qipao 

          Today is Mother's Day ; the 2nd second Sunday each year, billions of people around the world remember their mothers and spend some time reflecting. My mother was a WONDERFUL MOTHER to me and my brother John. True, people can remarry and the children can have step mothers and the like. And some stepmothers do handle their motherly duties even better than their biological mothers. Born Anna Wen in Guangzhou, she was the eldest of 4 daughters of the late P.C. Wen. He was the stationmaster of Guangzhou train station and was a very talented individual. I only met and knew him fleetingly when he suffered a stroke and came to Singapore to stay in our house for 3 years before heading back to Hong Kong. My brother and I called him Ah Gong. 

Taken in 1957 

            Mum was a very hardworking young lady when she came to Singapore probably just after the 2nd World War. Singapore was just picking up the pieces after the Japanese Occupation and the Federation of Malayan States was formed in 1957. There were numerous political parties, the Workers Party, the People's Action Party and Singapore was also under the influence of the Communists through the Middle Schools and Unions. 

          During her school days, she was the Girl Guide Troop Leader in the early 50s after the 2nd world war and even walked Prince Philip (of Edinborough) around the Padang showing off her troop ! 

           Mum landed the job as the Personal Assistant to the Perm. Secretary for Health in the 1960s soon after I and my brother were born, and she kept at that job for over 40 years. A very people centric person, she managed our household keeping the finances well under control as she was very thrifty till the mid 90s, but she showered her love and resources to John and I.


At the Singapore Cricket Club 2010

         She went for her honeymoon with my Papa in Japan as well as Cashmir. After we were born, she was really involved in firstly her work, then after joining the Singapore Swimming Club in Dec 1974, the Club was here second home, and we all went to several Swimming Competitions (Sanya Samaki Cup) at each year end starting from 1975 (Bangkok and Penang), 1976 (Manila), 1977 (Thailand), 1978 (Indonesia). Those were halcyon days for my brother and me. I was an above average swimmer and nominated at Swim Captain for my House, and also the Boys Captain from 1977 to 1978. In 1979, during my first year at the JC, I captained the Barracuda  team to the swim championship within the club swimmers. A mean feat as I was the weakest 'strong' swimmer amongst the 4 captains ! 

On the swings in 1964 outside our house at 6 Adis Road

          Mum then devoted her time mainly participating in badminton, kong chian, tennis, squash, swimming jazz ballet etc. You name it, shw would have taken part in it. A true blue tryer !  

Mum with her Jazz Ballet 'Gang' 

         Well, to my Mum up in Heaven. Happy Mother's Day. Have Cake and Rest Well. 

         Much Love from your Son, May and the 2 grandsons. 




Unknown said...

写得真好! 很感人的文章!你的母亲很美丽!

Lee Kim Poh said...

I chance upon your post when I tried to search for info of my late mum's father. My late mum was born in 1924 (she passed away in 1990). She fled Guangzhou as a teenager, shortly after the war broke out in China. She lost contact with her family thereafter.

I remembered she did mentioned my maternal grandfather was the stationmaster of Guangzhou railway station (at that time was known as “大沙头火车站”)before World War II.
Do you see the similarity of our story? However my mum surname is "Song".

She did said her father was very talented and could speak several languages! One thing she always reluctant to mention was a mistress her father kept. She did also mentioned she had sister from different mother.
My mum was born in a very huge mansion and had a few maids serving the household. it's location is in "翠亨村“, the same birth place of "孙中山" - Sun Yat Sen.

I am sharing this with you in the hope that we are not talking about the same station master....haha.

Know the Spread of money when changing money for your trip.

 I am no currency trader. I am just a regular traveller who flies to numerous Asian countries for work in the past and less so nowadays. Let...