Sunday, May 6, 2018

Pain, Suffering and Anguish - Part of the Deal in Life

    Here I am after another death defying 8 km run in the tropics from 10.21 to 11.15 am yesterday. In the afterglow of the run, I am motivated to write from the very core of my being. When you are gasping for breath, your energy is sapped and every facet (OK my legs mainly!) of your body is under massive aches, it is time when you are most alive. I had written about that state of mind of absolute clarity about everything about yourself.

    Yesterday was no different. I started out at 10.25 am and ran a hard 4 km front from B1 carpark to somewhere before the East Coast Park Restaurants area, it was getting real hot and humid and I had not had breakfast, only 3 cups of water and a cup of coffee. I was literally 'running on empty' so to speak.

Front 4 km Start Time 10 : 21 am 5 May 2018 

    The Front 4, as I would call it was quite torturous and with the sun beating down on me on a windless morning, I was once again feeling like 25 again. Fortunately there were far less people at the East Coast Park today, as the weather allowed only 'mad dogs and some crazy Singaporeans like me' to partake in this mindless self suffering exercise. From my Polar M 430 records, it took me 25  mins, 58 seconds or an average of  6 : 27.7 min / km *(I am getting faster hee hee) with a maximum pace of 5.16 min / km. Average cadence of 83 steps per minutes and maximum cadence of 88. I burnt 347 kcalories and had an average heart rate of 161 per minute and maximum heart rate of 177 beats per km. I am really going into above maximum levels of heartrate, and am not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.

The Back 4 km ; Suffering and Anguish all the Way 

    Taking a short break midway after 4 km, I hit the road again with the Back 4, this time the tiredness hit me, and I recorded 29 :10.7 minutes for the Back 4, burning 421 kcalories and with average heart rates of 170 beats per minute and a maximum of 181 beats per minutes. I am fortunate not to have burst any blood vessel, and will continue with this neck breaking pace because I can. This time my average pace was 7 : 16 min / km, far slower than the 6 :27.7 for the Front 4.My average cadence was 82 and maximum was 91 per minute.

    Upon completion, I practially waded to the exercise area just past Carpark B1 and then sat alone in dripping sweat leeting my body temperature and heart rate to recover back to 'normal'. That was when my thoughts started to flit back and forth about "Life" and the "Why" of everything.

   One thing I concluded. In life, everyone will suffer pain. Some will have to suffer long periods of pain, both mentally and physically. Anguish is the mental pain and trauma which is also everyone's lot in life.

   The more you or I am to handle pain, both physically and mentally, the better our circumstances will be. Those who have struggled both physically, mentally and financially and came out of in unbowed, will rise to great heights in their lives. 

    Face it (adversity,pain and anguish), Take It (adversity, suffering and stress) and Rule It (setbacks, pain,suffering, anguish and chaos).

    Then you are on your way !   

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