Tuesday, May 29, 2018

What do the best focus or put their money in ?

I have been reading the GIC's (Government Invest Corporation of S'pore) report for 2016 - 17. In it, it states that the annualised rolling 20 year rate of return is 3.7 % above global inflation (which I think is about 2 to 2.5%). Why am I reading this ? Because this is practically the best guide to finding out what amongst the best investment companies in the world would they do to put their money to the best use.

The mission statement is admirable and it bears repeating :

La Pedrera in Barcelona, Antoni Gaudi's signature condominium, way ahead of his time.


There are 6 asset allocations in their Policy Portfolio
1. Developed Market Equities (20-30%
2. Emerging Market Equities (15-20%)
3. Nominal Bonds and Cash (25-30%)
4. Inflation Linked Bonds (4 -6%)
5. Private Equity (11-15%)
6. Real Estate 9 - 13% 

Interestingly the yield horizon is always pegged at 20 years and not shorter. So this is 1 takeaway I must implement if I am going to be an investor of any standing. Be patient ; stay in the same field long enough to beenfit from the domain knowledge acquired through the years and / or decades going through thr 'school of hard knocks'.

Learn from the best, its always the best  strategy. 

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St Paul et Vence ; dining in the small alleyway up above all the towns

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