Sunday, May 27, 2018

Trust your gut yes. But 20 % for me I get it wrong ; use technology or other people to aid

Front 4 km run ; from B1 to near East Coast Seafood Center and return 

Here I was, on a balmy Saturday morning, again doing the hard 8 kms again on my way to the 21 km half marathon in August. I though I knew it all, my body and my pace and my fitness. I started out fast, or so it seemed, as I cruised along the stretch of East Coast Parkway and felt I was running my 'usual' 25 - 26 minutes run. When I looked at my Garmin, I was surprised to find, that I was actually 27 minutes 21 seconds. 
Therein, I learned a I life lesson, yes trust my 'gut' feel but again, the truly great ones who achieve anything of note in life, always have a scorecard, technology or coaches to give them the "real result. " And that morning's result was that though I felt I was doing good, I was in fact slower than normal or the last 3 Saturdays when I recorded my 4 km runs. 

Back 4 km run ; from neat East Coast Seafood Center and back to B1 

For the 20% of the time I get it wrong, think about what I did, did I get enough sleep, ate enough to fuel myself 1 hour before the run (normally I do not eat so I 'run on empty' perhaps this caused me to slow down, or the fact that I also ran on Tuesday 22nd the same distance and this had somehow slowed or tired my body ? 

Always trust your instincts and gut, yes, but remember I am human and 20% I get it wrong, in running, in business and in making decisions. I must always remember this and act in accordance to this maxim. 

Use proven softwares, technology, and people who are smarter and more objective than myself to help me reach my goals. This is my point. 

Carpe Diem ! 

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