Sunday, May 6, 2018

Reconnecting after all these years !

Simon Oh, my year mate from school came back recently for a visit. We had a great time catching up on 'old times' or should I say the times I missed as I was a pretty goody two shoes in school. 

Simon, or 'Churut' as he is normally better known as (Cigar) is currently in Australia working in the F and B business. He was in the 3 and 4 M class next to mine,the Science 2 class. Joe Lee was in 4 Tech 1 and Jimmy was in the 4 Science 1 class.   Simon is currently living in Blue Mountains near Sydney and comes back to Singapore for administration and renewing of family ties.  

Here is a photo of the 4 Amigos from the meeting yesterday at the Tanglin Club.

                                             5 th May 2018 Tanglin Club 

Precious memories re-awakened and new ones created. The bonds are there and we carry on like the 40 years which passed happened only yesterday.


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