Thursday, January 3, 2019

2019 Resolutions

This is the time for positive reflection of my stage in life and the situation of where I am right now.

Firstly I am thankful for the safe and clean environment of my home country, the stability of its Government and its relations with its neighbours and the standing in the World Order. 

Singapore indeed has come a long way these last 53 years and as I watch the turmoil and upheaval of the turbulent 2018 in the stock market, the global trade wars playing out between USA and its traditional allies, I am concerned that as a very small company playing in the waters of far bigger ones, we have to be very mindful of many risks known and unknown going into 2019.

My personal reflections are all about my behavior so I will humbly list these in order of importance :

1. Punctuality - this has always been my weak point, trying to please too many people or squeezing to many appointments so much so that I mess up the atmoshere of the meeting when I am late. So I resolve to brush up my time management and always ensure I give more than enough time to meet ; if it is too rushed, then, I will postpone the business or cancel the social meeting outright.

2. Decisive - again, I tend to flounder back and forth, so I need to be very hard on myself and the people I decide what to do.

3. U Turn quickly - If I have made a wrong decision, I need to U Turn and backtrack, this throws mud in my face but sometimes there is no choice in this matter if it relates to financial decisions. 

4. Saying ' No ' - I need to be more decisive in this. No Excuses. Just Do It.

5. Cutting back on Social Media - I resolve not to see Facebook or any other social network and only restricting it to maximum a couple of hours in the evening. Not even in the day over lunch. Definately not during driving or commuting. 

6. I need to be hard nosed. 

Thats it ! Happy New 2019 !  

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