Thursday, January 31, 2019

My Wish for this Chinese New Year ?

With business associates at the Corniche area in downtown Doha, Qatar.

Here is my sincere wish for this Chinese New Year :

a) Good Health for myself, my family, friends, business associates and the world at large

b) Peace and Goodwill amongst all of us, so that at the end of the day, we will find a way to stop the major risks facing the world at large :

- climate change
- overpopulation
- genetic modified foods causing unheard and yet unrecorded diseases
- world economic stagnation

c) Family cohesion and closeness with the ones that truly matter to me.

d) Giving back to society whenevr and  in whatever form I can afford with my limited 
    abilities and skills

e) Wealth in the form of a stable income stream and being able to be money smart and grow     the nest egg. I am not young anymore and the retirement planning of funds looms ever         and ever larger. 

Having a nice  Chinese seafood lunch at the Rocks in Sydney Australia. 

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