Friday, January 18, 2019

Life is about always learning and growing

My 3rd Dan Certificate with my sensei Hanshi Chia Kwek Fah 
Dec 2018 ; aged 50 + something. 

As I age, I am very conscious about what I know and more often than not, I am most aware of what I don't know. There are the 3 phases of consciousness, so elegantly put by the Secretary of Defence (during George Bush Jr's time in office), Donald Rumsfeld.

There are : 1. Known knowns. What we know through learning, reading, speaking with 
                       experts and teachers/  Hence  the information is 'out there'. Knowing the 
                       information is one thing, understanding its implications or how to use it 
                       is something else. 

                   2. Known Unknowns.  An example is we know we are in this space  
                       called the Universe. How expansive, is it growing or shrinking, is still
                       debated  by the scientists. There are other worlds out there with life, 
                       intelligent or not we are still curiously finding out.
                   3. Unknown unknowns. This is the complete ignorance of information. 
                       We don't know or don't bother to know what we don't know. This is 
                       the mentality of the 'follower'.

Learn new things in life, make each day a learning experience from the people you come across, old, young , rich, poor and you will be wiser, and more humble about the great wonderful world we have. 

Being satisfied with one's life is far better than the transient joys, sorrows, happiness, sadness, anger, disappointments that come with life. 

Carpe Diem !!!   

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