Sunday, May 5, 2019

My Once in a Lifetime Moonshot - Paris Marathon 2020

My Moonshot has been postponed for the last 3 years.

I wish to put on record that I am a procrastinator when it comes to achieving my dream goals.One of these is to run the famous Paris Marathon. I have been putting it off for the last 2 years at least since 2017 and it is already May 2019 and I have STILL NOT done it.

I will be 57 end of this year and I had better make the necessary arrangments to 

1. Get fit and with still strong stamina  (4 hours 30 is mt target)
2. Get my family's blessing that I can be away for 5 days
3. Arrange for my stand-in for my business during my absence.

I mean to achieve this Moonshot by hook or by crook, so watch this blog for more updates !


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