Sunday, March 8, 2020

An 'heirloom' close to my heart

Signed by the 2 goalsccorers, 
John Richards
Kenny Hibbit
Mike Bailey (Captain)

This team shirt of the 1974 League Cup Final was signed by the 2 legends of Wolves, John Richards and Kenny Hibbit. In addition, the captain Mike Bailey also signed this classic momento.

The faux aluminium cover which gives it a real glossy look 

I remember paying a small fortune for this piece which comes with a Certificate of Authenticity from the Sports Musuem as well as a photograph of the 3 gentlemen signing it together with an serial number. 

Wolves had been a force in the 50s till the early 60s then it was downhill all the way with only 2 bright (but short) periods, one in 1974 (the year I decided to support them). The decision was an emotional decision based on teenage yen for identity at a small inflection point in my life. 

Those days in the early to mid 70s, I recall when I was studying in Secondary school, was clearly one of the happiest days of my life. I made lifelong friends, whom we meet regularly till today. Every week, on the way back from school (taking the bus 111, 171 and the like) I would stop at Bencoolen street  (named after the second viceroy to Singapore Bencoolen after Farquahar ha ha what a name!) and then walk along Middle road towards Sophia Road, where my house was. 

Along Middle Road, there would be a row of shophouses, and I would browse and eventually buy the 'latest' Shoot Magazine printed and imported all the way from UK. Never mind that the bi - weekly (every 2 weeks as I recall) was printed and shipped to Singapore 2 weeks after the event but way back in 1975 till 1978, it was a pure form of 'escapism' that this slightly  overweight teenage boy with the dark and thick glasses and unkempt hair would pore through the magazine called 'SHOOT'. 

In addition, every Sunday (after Church or sunday school), there would be also a delayed telecast of this hit football show called Star Soccer (guys of my vintage I can expect are nodding in recognition.)

So, after reading the Shoot Magazine, and watching my weekly dose of Star Soccer, I chanced upon this team donning the colours of the "Old Gold and Black" with a typical young and handsome striker called John Richards and said, "Hey ! I want to be like them".

Sadly, since the 70s, the team had been in the doldrums and went all the way down to Division 4, and spent much of the next 40 years in Division 2 (now called Championship League) and Division 3 (now called League 1). There was much angst amongst the hard core fans. I consider myself a new 'convert' as I was embarassed to be associated with a 'Joke Club'.

In the mid 1980s when I happened to tour Europe with the University tour group, I even cajoled my mates to make a visit to Wolverhampton to visit the Molineux ground. It was in a pretty rough neighbourhood then, and we had some fun playing on the actual pitch until we were chased out by the gorundsmen !

Well, that is the history of my fascination with a club from the Midlands. Now, in 2019-20 season, they are riding high with Fosun (Chinese) support, a fantastic visionary manager and 5th in the Premier League and all to play for in the Europa Last 16.

Great players they have (see my earlier posts) and great things are expected from them in the future.

I am so happy to make a small investment in the 1974 shirt which takes pride of place in my bedroom. I am a churlish teenager again !


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