Sunday, March 22, 2020

Brain Training during these Social Distancing Times - Chess

With the advancement of the Smart Phone, we have a plethora of options available for us to make use of during our free time. So much so that I have picked up the game of chess just to make use of my mind, as well as learn to 1. Strategise   2. Predict and Pre-empt and 3. Counter-act my opponents move.

To be honest, I wasn't any good at chess in my primary and secondary school days. I had too many other distractions such as swimming (everyday except Wednesday and Saturday), studies, Karate and Piano lessons.

So now, I will give it a go, I hope this hobby can instill in me the tactical methods used by the most brilliant of brains, Gary Kasparov, Aanatoly Karpov and many others. 

Its better to start late than never !!! 


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